Will Governor Jared Polis Issue a ‘Shelter in Place’ Order?

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Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Telluride, CO – Will Governor Jared Polis issue a “shelter in place” order for the entire state of Colorado?

San Miguel County issued a “shelter in place” order despite zero reported cases of COVID-19 in the county, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. With California already under a statewide “shelter in place” order, it seems likely Polis will follow suit.

The Governor has already closed the doors of many private businesses in Colorado. As such, it is no stretch to expect Polis to order citizens confined to their homes.

Yes, we want to flatten the infection curve to prevent our healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. But somewhere, there is a line that the government can cross by assuming too much power, even in times of crisis.

Unfortunately, we’ve heard from many people that “this is not a political issue.” The fact of the matter is, any mandated orders by the government are political issues.

Look no further than the sweeping executive measures being made by governors and local governments for the proof. The willingness of some people to be subjugated and controlled by their government over a crisis astounds us.

Where does the line get drawn?

Does the line get drawn once flights shut down and non-essential travel is restricted – or perhaps when police enforce curfews?

What happens when a more infectious virus surfaces? Will non-essential travel also be banned? Will this become a regular feature of the flu season?

Imagine another perceived crisis arising that leads to the government shutting down businesses and restricting citizens from traveling and congregating. In this unprecedented time, it is not inconceivable to imagine a government power-grab occurring. The systems are in place if the media and government can create a big enough buzz.

It seems there is no limit to what Polis and his administration are willing to do in the name of “public safety.”

Keep in mind who is pouring the Kool-aid.

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6 thoughts on “Will Governor Jared Polis Issue a ‘Shelter in Place’ Order?

  1. He has stomped on the United States Constitution, the Colorado Constitution is destroying the Colorado economy, putting people out of work, closing business who will not be able to reopen, closing schools, so that seniors may not be able to graduate and on and on and on. He has assumed too much power. He is following the Democrat script to a T, his eye is on running for the Presidency in the too distant future. The really sad thing is that NO one, not one state legislator, not one county commissioner, not one official has stood up and said enough is enough. They are all cowering in a corner somewhere letting the Governor do what he wants when he wants all based on a media-driven panic

  2. Polis is not only ordering businesses to close he is also ordering churches to close. Is this not violation of the Bill of Rights?

  3. My line in sand is a lockdown I will NOT stay in I WILL be out on the roads sidewalks everywhere exercising my god given rights! What is happening is unconstitutional and unamerican!

  4. You sound full fledged conspiracy theorist. DON’T TREAD ON MY RIGHTS GUB’NA. YOU AND YOUR DEM CORONA HOAX!

    I imagine if you lived in Italy you would be singing a different tune. People are dying all over. If you don’t trust the government at all, then can you really trust they have done everything they can to stop the spread of Covid?

  5. I remember when Colo. was a red state which was a lot cheaper to live in. Thanks to the idiot democrats everything is more expensive and more difficult to stay in. I am seriously considering leaving the state I have loved for more than 6o yrs. TOO many People, Too many Taxes, Too many Sanctuary Cities Too many Bums downtown Denver, Too much Traffic, Too many Druggies and TOOOO many Stupid Democrats.

  6. Colorado Family Physicians Recommend Gov. Polis issue A ‘Shelter In Place’ Order.

    Please pray that God opens Gov. Polis heart. ✝️❤️

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