Will Chief Justice Roberts redeem himself on Obamacare?

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Obamacare may be burnt to a crisp after this round of court cases…

Apparently, the lower federal courts are applying some common and constitutional sense back into the judiciary.

If this makes it to the Supreme Court, maybe Chief Justice John Roberts will change course on Obamacare as well. You may remember that Roberts sided with the four liberal justices to uphold the individual mandate.

Refresher course on the “Individual Mandate”: if you don’t have health insurance, we will tax you for not having health insurance. It basically forces taxpayers into buying a service – health care. Otherwise, they are penalized for not buying the service.

Yes, this was a big piece of Obama’s socialist utopia plan for America. Time to heal the damage done by Obama.

This article covers the arguments fairly well, and we love when the New York Times makes a case for a conservative view. We think of a blind squirrel finding a nut. However, this blind squirrel (the New York Times) just identifies as being blind.

If this case succeeds, this will effectively invalidate Obamacare. This is a huge win, and we may be seeing the return of some sanity.

Let’s hope, and keep up the pressure on the politicians to make sure they don’t do an end run around the courts.

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