Denver, CO – Your vote doesn’t matter on Super Tuesday. The fix was already in for Biden, we believe. So if you’re one of our special snowflakes (Democrat) reading this, know your vote doesn’t count. However, if you are a Republican, a good turnout for the President potentially puts Colorado in play.
Here’s our reasoning on why the fix is in. Democrats have something called a “Super Delegate” to their National Convention in July. These Super Delegates are a lot of elected officials, party brass, and establishment Democrats. The Super Delegates make up about 16% (the raw number is 771) of the total delegates to the Democratic National Convention. However, to gain the nomination, a candidate needs 1,991 votes. So the Super Delegates, if they vote in a block, could be close to 40% of the total for a candidate.
If you look at the current score, former Vice-President Joe Biden is well ahead in this count. He has been doubling up the perceived “front-runner” for most of the campaign. Now that Biden had a big win in South Carolina as expected, this will boost his campaign going in, and everyone is coalescing around Biden, especially with Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar (we called her “Combuchar,” click here and here) dropping out. In fact, since Saturday, Biden is no longer doubling up Sanders on Super Delegates, he now has five times as many.
Well, the system is working how it was designed. The Super Delegates are supposed to be the firewall against having a George McGovern candidate nominated. If you are a Democrat, your vote in the Presidential Primary does not matter. The party of centralized control already picked your candidate for you!
Bernie will get the short end of the stick, just like in 2016 against Hillary. Our guess is many of his supporters will not vote for Biden. Trump’s re-election prospects appear brighter every day.
What do you think about Democrats and Super Delegates? We think it’s funny that Democrats support a National Popular Vote, but have a maligned Electoral College type system for their Presidential Elections. Do you think Biden can beat Trump? Will the Sanders supporters stay home in November? Please post your comments on our social media and down below!
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