Parker, CO – The Tri-county Health Department, which “serves” Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties, followed Denver’s lead and issued a strict “Stay at Home” order.
The Tri-county Health Department is an unelected board appointed by their respective county commissioners issuing executive orders with the power of law. In the press conference regarding the new order, a spokesman said that if you are in any of these counties, you are “obliged” to follow their health order. It does not matter if you are a resident or not. They will involve law enforcement if you do not comply.
Thankfully, the county commissioners have the ability to opt-out of Tri-state executive orders. (If they do not opt-out of Tri-State, then they should be held accountable for the overreach.)
Inside sources are telling us that Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon is reportedly the ONLY one opposed to opting out of this “Stay at Home” order.

Three out of three people on the Douglas Board of County Commissioners are Republicans. It might be the most conservative county in the state of Colorado. So if this source is correct, why is Laydon allowing unelected bureaucrats to squash the freedom of citizens in his county?
Commissioners Roger Partridge and Lora Thomas reportedly voted to opt-out of the executive order. Laydon, on the other hand, must want to follow Mayor Michael Hancock and Democrats (including Governor Jared Polis) into economic destruction.
Now there is little that can be done about Adams and Arapahoe County. Both counties are run by socialist Democrats who have been waiting for their entire careers to make this power grab.
However, the Douglas County Commissioners (all Republicans) have an opportunity to do the right thing. They can opt their county out of an unconstitutional executive order given by unelected tyrants.
Douglas County is politically about as far removed from Denver as possible. Yet, Laydon is reportedly allowing them to reign over the people he supposedly represents.
If this is truly the case, Commissioner Abe Laydon is undermining the people’s voice and individual liberties.
Ultimately, none of this is happening without Polis’ knowledge. If our source is correct, Polis has a strong ally on the Douglas Board of County Commissioners.
We hope this is not the case, and that Laydon will prove us wrong.
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Layden is a proven tool. He voted in favor of an illegal rezoning on Hilltop Road in Parker, CO while he was on the planning commission. The illegal rezoning was entirely planned in advance. The Douglas County Planning Commission and County Commissioners collaborated in advance and cut deals with developers to get the rezoning approved outside of the county’s master plan and 8 rezoning rules. Layden, the tool, was on board. Then, guess who gets voted into a county commissioner seat? You got it…Layden, the tool.