WHOA! All fighting factions in the GOP are working together?!

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Ok, this is a bit insider and you need to have a historical perspective to understand our snark. However, when we read about the “coalition” coming together to fight the Democrat’s assault at the ballot box on the only Constitutional Amendment that protects taxpayers in the United States (TABOR), we were PLEASANTLY surprised.

For those of you that don’t know, TABOR also known as the Taxpayers Bill Of Rights, requires a vote by the people to raise taxes, while allegedly limiting the growth of government discretionary spending to population plus inflation. TABOR is a good thing, that’s why the Democrats want to dismantle it with Proposition CC.

With no TABOR, the state budget that has increased by about a third in the last 7 years, will exponentially increase. California used to have some restrictions, and we’ve seen what happened there. But hey, Dems are doing the full-court-press to make Colorado out-California, well…California!

We’re going to reprint the advisory members of this coalition to defeat Prop CC. If you get why this is a strange but GOOD coalition, great! We hope everyone uses this kumbaya to work together in the future so we can take back Colorado from the liberal abyss.

The list:

  • Former Gov. Bill Owens
  • Former U.S. Sen. Hank Brown
  • U.S. Rep. Ken Buck
  • Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville
  • Former Colorado House Speaker Frank McNulty
  • Colorado State Sen. John Cooke
  • Mesa County Commissioner Rose Pugliese
  • Ready Colorado executive director Luke Ragland
  • Springs Taxpayers executive director Laura Carno
  • Radio Host Jeff Crank
  • Businessman Doug Robinson
  • Businessman Grant Whiteside

If you live in Colorado, vote NO on Prop CC!

Elections matter!

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