Denver, CO – We missed this one from the Wall Street Journal last month. Well, that’s not true. It was open in a browser tab amongst 50 others that were all potential articles.
The data is VERY interesting, at least to us here at the Colorado CItizen Press. For instance, Democrat congressional districts accounted for 63.6% of real GDP in 2018.
As a group, we’ve been to a bunch of events, including everything from grassroots party events to high dollar fundraisers. We’ve also done a lot of voter contact. Even at those fundraisers, the wealthier people there will play both sides. However, from our experience at the grassroots level, and with voter contact, it’s been pretty clear that most Republicans and right-leaning people are not rich.
Now the Wall Street Jornal study (slideshow) verifies this. This makes sense because wealthier people can afford more regulations, more taxes, and more government. We consider all of these liberal policies.
The problem is the rest of us suffer and really can’t afford all of this government. We’re not against people who have acquired wealth, but we are against the politicians they support.
So, what’s the purpose of this article? Well, when you’re talking to someone who is spewing the usual mantra that Republicans and conservatives only represent the rich folk, rightly point out that they’re wrong. We need to change this narrative and expose the left and their lies for what they are.
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In 2019, taxation without representation is how the wealthy are now created. Corporate welfare is the name of the game.