Regarding the breaking news that a second person charged former Representative Rochelle Galindo for sexual assault, the Democrats remain quiet. After purging their ties to Galindo and their unequivocal support of her amidst a recall, no formal comments have been made. Although informally, they have all but stated “good riddance.”
This is a stark contrast to what we saw from Democrats mere months ago during the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. There, unsubstantiated accusations led to hundreds of Democrats marching on the streets. They held rallies, they harassed Senator Cory Gardner, and they were up in arms. When Galindo is allegedly attacking and sexually assaulting people (presumably women) all we get is radio silence.

Where are the rallies? Where is the outrage? If we are to “believe all women,” then why aren’t her victims taken seriously enough to inspire rallies, rage, and backlash? Why haven’t these things happened to other Democrats facing similar sexual charges?
The answer is clear. Democratic Elites care only about one thing, power. They don’t care about justice, they don’t care about victims, they don’t care if they come off as hypocrites – it’s all power.
So when a public school employee and Democratic Representative is charged with sexual assault, there is no outcry, there is no outrage, there are no rallies or even thoughts of the children. Just radio silence.
The same silence Democrats always had. The same silence they had for Bill Clinton, and the same silence they have for Joe Biden.
You can rest assured that when the next Democrat engages in sexual assault, they will stay the course and keep up the radio silence, it’s all they’ve ever done.
Or worse, they’ll go the path of Lorena Garcia, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and Executive Director of the Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition, and double-down on their support of predators like Galindo. She should be ashamed of herself.

In the meantime, please have a heart and pray for Galindo’s victims. While only two have come forward, who knows how many people she may have victimized if the allegations are true? As these things come to light those people need our prayer and support.
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