With the radical left taking control of the legislative agenda, it’s easy to blame them for all the problems. But there have been calls to recall some Republicans that have contributed to the Democrat agenda.
What approach should be taken for recalls? Take our poll.

Any indication of corruption or any violation of law and they should be recalled/impeached
They should not go in the dark of night, or bad weather and change things that the voters voted for just because they don’t like it!
Pollis has totally trampled on our constitutional rights and should be made aware that we are not going to stand for this abuse of power. We have already stated by voting we like our energy independence and they still want to shut it down! His new policies are more in line with destroying America instead of listening to California why don’t you listen to us the voters!
So when do the recalls begin? I for annexation if recalls don’t work.
I want to see recalls, law suites, lots and lots of protests and lots of interviews on local media . Repubs, be a pain in their butt on all levels. take lessons from pelosi and schumer and mad maxine. Make their lives miserable like they do our president. playin fair is gettin ya nowhere
Thoes in office took a oath to up hold the consitution and this has not been done and thoes who have not done so either side of the fence needs inpeached..
It’s time for us to recall everybody that voted for this law out of office I am tired of every time there is a shooting they blame the responsible gunowners and it does not get blamed back on the criminals they’re gonna try and take our guns but the criminals are still gonna be criminals they’re going to have their guns we are going to lose control of Colorado and I’m tired of the politicians in Colorado trying to come after our guns
Convention of sates… Colorado needs to be on it. Sign today, we need to take our government back