Weekend Poll: Is it time for recalls?

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The Democrat-controlled legislature continues to force Coloradans to accept a more socialist worldview. 

Bills are changing the Electoral College, how your child is going to learn about sex in the classroom and forcing through even more gun-control, and that’s to name a few. The fact is voters might have buyers remorse. 

Therefore we want to hear from you. Do you believe it’s time for grassroots Republicans to start the recall tour once again? Vote below.

With the Democrats radical agenda including national popular vote, gun confiscation without due process, sex indoctrination in the classroom and other issues, do you think it's time for recalls?
224 votes · 224 answers

8 thoughts on “Weekend Poll: Is it time for recalls?

  1. Demoncrats are traitors to the Constitution of the United States – and I haven’t seen them this mad since we Republicans took away their Slaves in the 1860’s. I guess they want their slaves back now – and the Liberal/Progressive/Communists useful idiots WANT to be slaves again. America is doomed under Demoncrat leadership.

  2. I feel we are meekly following California down a sewer hole. This is not the Colorado I grew up in and NOT that I even want to claim as my native state. Time to stand and fight for our rights!

  3. As a politician,party, the democrats have failed to protect Americas interest, But have shown favoritism towards illegals,,,and yes,,if they violate laws, it is,illegal,,but then the politicians continue to attack Americans with ass-in-nine terminogily and anger,,,

  4. This is NOT my Colorado! How in the world did this leftist agenda happen to us so fast???? I am ready to fight to keep my state from falling into this liberal cesspool! These people have no common sense and are not reasonable people.

  5. How often do bad things happen because of good intention that is emotional and not rational? How often is malicious intent to disarm and socialize the citizen covered up with these same “good intentions”? It seems anymore that Democrats are actually “Leftists” and in being such, can only perform in a capacity that furthers the latter by way of the former. What “education” has done to this country and my state in the last 40 years is disgusting, immoral and anti-American! RECALL these anti-american hypocrites and bring in people who really love this state and country.

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