Aurora, Colo – Tom Tancredo recently shared a video taken after a protester allegedly used a racial slur and verbally assaulted Congressional candidate Casper Stockham.
As you can tell from the video, the recording began after the initial incident. This is just one more example of the hate and divisiveness we see from the left. Apparently, racial inequality and name-calling are okay when you’re liberal.
This group appears to be affiliated with the Answer Coalition (click here for their website). They promote the usual leftist propaganda, want to shut down Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities and military bases, and they support Nicholas Maduro. Maduro is the oppressive Venezuelan socialist dictator who is watching his people starve while using his military to attack citizen protestors.
If you did not get the chance, read the story from Citizen Press Contributor Amalia White, who covered the #StandWithICE rally that occurred on Labor Day. The rally was held to emphasize that breaking immigration laws shouldn’t be tolerated (or rewarded), and to support the ICE agents protecting American sovereignty.
What do you think about the video? Please leave your comments and let us know.
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I was there and I confronted those fools head on. All that moron with the bullhorn knew how to do was blast a siren off the horn in order to drown out people who disagreed with them and exposed them for what they are, which is paid, anti-American propagandist/activists. They’re all the same. There were several antif as types there as well, but they didn’t have to guts to wear their masks and gear.
yes we all know who Aurora sides with and have know for years