We wrote about how Walmart was abandoning gun and ammo sales while changing their policy on carrying in stores last week. We threw in King Soopers as another company that doesn’t like your civil liberties (this is code for the Amendment between the 1st and the 3rd, so we don’t get flagged) when it comes to the gun control issue.
Well, now we can add a few more retailers to that list. Walgreens and CVS joined the chorus of the anti-civil liberties movement. We also covered businesses pushing Gun Control by sending a letter to the U.S. Senate. Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS did NOT sign, but Walmart sent their own letter.
Walgreens posted this on their website:
Walgreens Website
The left is good at putting pressure on businesses to adopt their far-left agenda while we the citizens suffer. The big question, is why don’t we in the center and right of center do the same?
There have been some success stories on the right, like when there was an organized boycott of Chick-fil-A. Conservative showed up in droves to support the restaurant, and they had one of their best quarters ever. The problem is we can only name a few success stories.
So, the big question is, if you do value your civil liberties, what are you going to do about Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and King Soopers? Customers can always take a page out of the left’s playbook, and boycott their businesses and make it public why. Negatively affecting their bottom-line by not shopping may be the only way they will listen.
The more the general public sees this anti-civil liberties movement as okay without any opposition, the more they will come to accept it as the norm. The Constitution was adopted to protect We The People. Unfortunately, We the Sheeple, are willfully letting civil liberties get stripped away.
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