Douglas County Sheriff, Tony Spurlock, is working with Mom’s Demand Action. In a video provided to us through our Citizen Tip Line, activists can be heard discussing ways to either infiltrate the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) or work with Spurlock on their own.
The discussion centered around a ballot initiative that re-allocates a percentage of the county’s sales tax to fund school safety. Much like Jovan Melton, these activists believe school resource officers (SRO’s) do not make schools safer. In fact, they think SRO’s pose a safety hazard for students of color. But, we digress.
What is most concerning, besides Spurlock’s support of Colorado’s Red Flag law, is his apparent closeness to this group of gun control activists.
Now, any elected sheriff must listen to their constituents. Unfortunately, more than a few statements in this video should concern the people of Douglas County. If the activists speaking are to be believed, Spurlock is too cozy with the gun control lobby.
Watch the video linked below, and we will break down some of the most concerning statements regarding Spurlock.
During the discussion, the gun control activists spoke about how they had Spurlock’s ear, and they could get their agenda across as a result. They also made troubling remarks recounting Spurlock’s willingness to attend a KKK meeting, and how he appreciated speaking at a Mom’s Demand Action event.
We are not sure what Spurlock was attempting to convey here, but the response he received displays an apparent lack of moral integrity.
“The Sheriff did say these guys are old, um, and I said, well you know what, they’re old and we don’t necessarily want to wait for them to pass on, but we really need to bring them forward.”
Activists on call about Spurlock and PSAC [0:25]
These people pretend they want to add to the discussion and include a different advisory voice to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. It is apparent in this quote they would be more than happy to see the current advisory committee removed from the situation entirely. Is this the moral compass that should help guide any sheriff’s office?
Next, in the video, an activist recounts Spurlock telling them he would go to a KKK meeting if they invited him.
“He said to us many times he would go to all kinds, he would show up at meetings, he said he would even go to the KKK meeting if he was invited just to hear them out.”
Activists on call about Spurlock and PSAC [1:13]
Now, we don’t believe Spurlock is a member of the KKK, nor do we believe he shares their values. Still, we find this extremely concerning. The KKK is a disgusting organization founded in white supremacy and deserves to be snubbed from public discourse.
We would question any public official willing to attend an actual meeting of the Klan. It is one thing as a public servant to listen when approached by citizens. It is an entirely different (and bad) thing to accept an invitation to such a heinous group’s meeting.
Generally, you expect this to be cause for concern from Democrat activists. Unfortunately, a different standard exists when the person involved supports Red Flag laws and may support further gun control.
Eventually, the activists looped back to the initial focus of the discussion, how to infiltrate PSAC, and how friendly Sheriff Tony Spurlock is with Mom’s Demand Action.
“Well, he did say he really appreciated when he spoke at Mom’s, and uh, he liked, he would do that again, and…that’s a way of, whatever our agenda is, whatever groups we do, we don’t need to infiltrate PSAC to get our agenda across. As long as he’s meeting with us, we can get our agenda across.”
Activists on call about Spurlock and PSAC [3:36]
Why on earth is a county sheriff creating inroads for Mom’s Demand Action? Their policies are antithetical to the Constitution Spurlock swore to uphold.
It is clear these gun control activists plan to infiltrate public offices and committees to secure their agenda. They obviously believe they have Spurlock’s ear, and after two years of Spurlock lobbying for a Red Flag law, they may be correct.
The most important thing to take away from this video is Spurlock cannot be trusted to protect your Constitutional rights.
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Well I would say Douglas County needs a new Sheriff.
The scenario:
You are in a shopping area.
You are NOT close to an exit or solid barrier.
You hear the sound of a round being chambered behind you.
As you turn to see the threat, you notice an Armed Citizen Already drawing a handgun to stop the potential shooter..
You also notice someone pulling out a cellphone.
Time Freezes:
Do you;
Scream at the Armed Citizen to put his gun away and wait for the police?
Or do you throw out a quick Prayer the Citizen does not miss?
Keep in mind, the Armed Citizen can have a round off BEFORE to other person can press 911.