VIDEO: Freshman Rep. Lisa Cutter refuses to accept Red Flag petitions

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We came across the video below created by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners of Democrat Representative Lisa Cutter acting like an idiot.

In case you are not aware, it’s a common practice for interest groups to collect signed petitions on a subject and then deliver them to elected officials persuading them to vote for or against a position.

Most elected officials smile and take the petitions, understanding that it would be flat out stupid to publicly state they aren’t interested in the position of his or her voters. Democrat Representative Lisa Cutter, on the other hand, is not very smart and shoved the petitions back at the employee for Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think.

Unhinged: Democrat Lisa Cutter rejects pro-gun petitions

Woah! Freshman Democrat Representative Lisa Cutter really — REALLY — doesn't care what her pro-gun constituents think. Watch as she unloads on an RMGO staffer for simply trying to drop off petitions from Jefferson County residents opposing the Gun Confiscation Bill. #copolitics #coleg #loosecanon (

Posted by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners – Official Page on Thursday, February 21, 2019

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Freshman Rep. Lisa Cutter refuses to accept Red Flag petitions

  1. You nailed it! Idiocy! But representative of her party;

    The Democrat Party is not interested in representing their constituents. They are hell bent for fury to rule.

  2. If she doesn’t accept this petition on the fallacy of Red Flag legislation, then she will just have to accept the petition that demands her recall.

  3. She doesn’t want to hear because the Democrat agenda is deconstruction of our Constitution. How much more evidence does one need to see the Democrats are a domestic enemy referred to in the Oath of Office. All military, civil servants, and elected officials take the oath to defend the Constitution agains all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    By this, no Democrat should be seated in any public office. Welcome to the People’s Republic of Colorado. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al would be proud.

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