Do you remember reading our article on how former State Senator Mike Johnston was the first Democrat to drop out of Colorado’s U.S. Senate race after former Governor and Presidential Candidate John Hickenlooper announced he was running?
We predicted that the dominoes would soon fall because Johnston was a top-tier candidate with impressive fundraising numbers and a large grassroots following. Well, the dominoes are falling.
Former U.S. Attorney John Walsh dropped out earlier this week. Now, Dan Baer, former U.S. Ambassador under Obama and former Director of Higher Education under Hickenlooper, has dropped out as well.
We know these two democrats who just dropped out are far-left of the center, but it is significant because they have decent backgrounds and fundraising numbers. Either would have been a competitive race for current Republican U.S. Senator Cory Gardner.
John Walsh had raised almost $800,000. He was the former U.S. Attorney for Colorado, and he had some high profile endorsements. But he isn’t the darling of the establishment Democrats. That’s Hickenlooper.
Then there is former Ambassador Dan Baer. He served as Director of Higher Education under Hickenlooper. Baer had also raised $1.1 million. That’s pretty impressive, almost as impressive as Former State Senator Mike Johnston.
But here is the kicker with Baer, and we don’t play identity politics here, but the Democrats do – so let’s point out their hypocrisy. Baer is openly gay. The Democrats seem to place a higher value on the LGBTQ minority community than that of the predominantly straight populace. But here we are again, someone who represents one of their favorite minority groups pushed aside for an old white straight male. You know those old white straight males the Democrats claim to hate so much.
Side note: aren’t Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders leading in the Democrat Presidential primary polls? Aren’t they old white straight males as well? Hypocrisy knows no bounds with these liberals.
Then, of course, the last two years has been “The Year of The Woman” according to the left. We had the #MeToo Movement and the big push for female candidates. Now, if you read our articles regularly, you may remember how we pointed out the hypocrisy by the Democrats when it came to female candidates and the Democrats playing favorites.
Most Democrat politicians only give lip service to this whole identity politics thing. You shouldn’t be surprised by this.
The big question is once Hickenlooper is officially crowned the Democrat nominee for Colorado U.S. Senate, stepping on every minority candidate in the process and ignoring the grassroots; will the Democrats defect and not vote for him?
Guess we’ll see the results in November of 2020. Stay tuned!
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