Colorado Springs, CO – Trump had the most massive crowd in Colorado. We will back up this statement. We are only writing this article because the Democrats are claiming Bernie had a larger crowd with an alleged 11,000. We believe Trump had around 20,000. So, let’s prove it.

First, let’s analyze Bernie’s venue on February 16, 2020. Bernie’s venue was the Colorado Convention Center Exhibit Halls C & D. As you can see from the picture, the maximum capacity is 12,808. The Denver Fire Marshall officially declared Bernie had 11,000 at his rally. The room from a video provided by Colorado Public Radio (CPR), shows the room is NOT full. Bernie only claimed a crowd of 10,000.
Now, let’s look at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs. It SEATS about 8,000 with space for about 2,000 on the arena floor. From all accounts, there wasn’t an empty seat in the entire arena, and there was a lot of standing room only at all levels of the arena. We could quickly assess that there were at least 10,000 people there.
So at this point, it’s a tie. But it gets better, or worse if you were stuck out in the cold at the Trump rally. People who got in line after 1 P.M., never made it into the arena. There are accounts that there was anywhere from 7,000 people outside to over 10,000. Here is a picture of the crowd after they closed the doors and stopped letting people into the arena that was already overcapacity.

If you compare this picture, with the video taken by CPR, it’s pretty clear that there were more people who didn’t make it into the Trump rally than were inside of the Bernie rally. So if you do the math, and Bernie is admitting to 10,000. Then Trump was closer to 20,000.
Was this reported in the lamestream media? No, of course not. The lamestream media doesn’t want people to know that the President is much more popular than the polls and pundits say. If we look back at the 2016 election, they were saying the same thing. However, it’s President Trump NOT President Hillary. Food for thought.
Update: According to the Denver Post (behind a paywall) President Trump’s Colorado Springs rally did in fact have an estimated 20,000 people in attendance!
What do you think about the media distorting the President’s support? Were you at the Trump rally? Did you start camping outside the day before so you could get seats? Please share your stories and comments below and on social media.
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I was a volunteer helping seating people and I was just AMAZED by the sheer number of people inside and out and the energy people showed. Everyone was so polite and courteous with each other. Conservatives are so much more well behaved, educated and nice. I used to be a Democrat but changed my affiliation once I saw how evil, nasty and sore losers they are. Trump 2020!
Sonia, so glad you ‘woke up’, and volunteering at the Trump Rally!! WOW!! Good for you!
I made it to the Rally from Fort Collins, but, arrived too late to get inside. The crowd outside was huge. Most notable for me was the civility and spirit of the people. Everyone exuded positive energy and a spirit of family — the American Family. No negative talk about democrats. No insulting the crude and obnoxious protesters. Just a well behaved group of smiling citizens who were energized and enthusiastic to be part of the event.