Denver, CO – With President Trump’s poll numbers climbing, his rallies doubling in attendance, and the Democrat brand growing more radically insane than ever before, socialist groups like ProgressNow begin doing what they always do when they are losing. That is call Republicans racist, of course.
See for yourself what the “progressive” leaders of Colorado support:
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Alan Franklin, he is the anti-Christian, bigoted Political Director at ProgressNow Colorado.
Just like a petulant toddler trying to get an older sibling in trouble, it’s the only thing they know how to do. Democrats used this weak tactic for years, and, yes, it’s growing old.
For example, the 👌🏻symbol used to mean “perfect,” “made you look,” or “okay.” Now, if you show it, you’re somehow a racist.
Democrats aren’t the only ones at fault, though. Weak kneed Republicans have caved to these threats out of fear for years.
Here is what we mean:
Democrats: If you talk about ending abortion, you’re a bigot and hate women.
Weak kneed Republican: If we talk about ending abortion, we will be called bigots, and we’ll lose.
So the weak-kneed Republican denounces the pro-lifers and still gets labeled a bigot because they were never going to be more pro-abortion than the Planned Parenthood endorsed Democrat anyway.
Oh yeah, and the pro-lifers are left with no one to support.
The same point can be made for almost every issue. Marriage, Guns, Education, Healthcare, etc.…
Not to mention, what’s the point of celebrating a Republican victory if the socialist policy sponsored by Democrats continues?
Going the week kneed Republican route only leaves you with a demoralized base and more long term defeat. We can’t afford that.
President Trump has proven that the best path to victory is to mobilize your base first and then expand it from there.
When attacked, he doesn’t cave on the issues; he punches back.
Many weak-kneed types would like us to believe it’s better to act like cowards and hide from the issues, alienate the current base, and build a brand new one out of thin air.
That obviously won’t work and never has. Colorado Republicans need to take note of what the President is doing and repeat it.
Life, Traditional Family Values, guns, low taxes, and the Right of Religious consciousness are winning issues, among others. So fight for them!
The Democrats will continue labeling Principled Republicans racists, especially when the Democrats are losing.
Republicans need to remember, the Democrats are only attacking because they are lying, socialist, anti-Christian, big government tyrants, and if they had any real policy positions to attack Republicans on, then they wouldn’t need to throw up the same old fake news race card.
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Fire Scott Tipton!
Hire Lauren Boebert!!