Denver, CO – According to new reports, Tom Sullivan (D-Arapahoe) recently proposed more extensive gun control laws to impose on law-abiding Coloradans.
The Red Flag gun confiscation sponsor is already talking about how Colorado’s Democrat-controlled government can further oppress citizens. With the legislative session fast approaching, Coloradans should take this threat to their Second Amendment rights very seriously.
Sullivan wants gun owners to keep their guns locked in safes at all times when they are not in use. What this means is, Democrats do not believe keeping an accessible firearm ready for home defense is a valid “use.” Essentially, they are doing everything they can to disarm the public.
The overzealous gun control legislator also wants to implement a three day waiting period. This law change would require citizens to wait three days after background checks to receive their firearms. We expect this will seriously hamper gun show sales, which law-abiding businesses often rely on to make sales.
Worst of all, Sullivan wants to raise the age to purchase rifles to 21 in Colorado.
That’s right, folks. Our brave young men and women can enlist, carry a rifle, and die in combat for their country, but they cannot purchase one to defend themselves in their own homes.
Despite strong opposition, Democrats rushed right-destroying legislation to Governor Jared Polis’ desk in 2019. Polis wasted little time signing that legislation into law. We expect Democrats to employ a similar strategy when the 2020 session begins in January.
It is an election year, but Democrats appear to believe nothing stands in their way. Our natural rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States mean nothing to them.
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This type of oppression must be challenged, and will be. The citizen’s right will not be infringed.
The one about locking up firearms appears to violate Article II, Section 16 of the Colorado Constitution: “The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons.”
Its time that people understand that a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Communism. Comrade Sullivan clearly shows that it is all about disarmament of We the People, and absolute power for them. This is why they’re trying so hard to impeach the President on fabricated charges and evidence. Josef Stalin would be proud of them.