Denver, CO – Thousands of citizens protested to reopen Colorado businesses on Sunday, but did Polis listen? It’s a mixed bag.
Governor Jared Polis clearly feels the pressure from citizens. In that respect, the rally to reopen Colorado on Sunday was a success.
However, Polis’ plan to reopen Colorado is an incredibly slow process. What’s more, if infections start to climb again, Polis will start closing things back down.
Polis’ so-called “Safer at Home” plan is not a win for many businesses. More importantly, it might be devastating to owners and employees who are already taking on debt to survive the shutdown.
Part of the description for the “Safer at Home” (Phase 2) plan is, “Most people still stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social interactions.”
That does not sound like a reopening of the economy, which Coloradans desperately need. No, instead, it is another tyrannical set of restrictions.
Polis intends to tell any currently deemed “non-essential” business how they can operate (if and when he allows them to reopen).
What happens under the “Safer at Home” shutdown order?
So, what actually happens under Phase 2?
Well, don’t plan on having a beer at the bar with your friend on April 27, 2020 (even if you sit six feet apart)
Retail will only open for curbside delivery. Bars and Restaurants will remain closed, except for takeout and delivery. There will be a strict “phased-in public opening” of these establishments, but that timeline is unclear.
Offices are only to open at 50% capacity, and large workplaces are supposed to implement temperature checks on employees.
Personal services and childcare can open back up, but only with “strict precautions.”
Folks, Governor Polis is not opening the economy back up. He is cracking down with authoritarian regulations on how businesses can operate.
Our guess is violating any of the Phase 2 regulations can result in orders to shut down the business, thought the Governor’s fancy slide show did not have this information.
Polis does not trust you with individual responsibility. Because he does not trust you, he is going to babysit you with the powers he assumed.
So, did Polis listen to the Coloradans who are out of work and out of money? No, he did not.
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This Polis S.O.B. is out of control folks. It’s way past time for this to end. Open your businesd, and for a week or two show a decent level of distancing, but after that, move on. End this n pi w.
This needs to end now. I am hearing stories about families separated from their loved ones in the hospital and even if their loved one is dying they are NOT permitted to see them before it happens. One widow was told her spouse “may have had it” (Covid-19 test negative) so they quarantined her for 14 days at home. She is grieving this horrible loss and no family is allowed to be with her!
There is no excuse for this. Restaurants teetering on the edge of bankruptcy do not have until middle of May to stay solvent. Millionaire Polis sits on his rear end collecting his taxpayer funded paycheck while millions of Coloradans are out of work and cannot pay their bills. Make plans to attend the End The Lock Down Rally at the Denver Capitol on Sunday, April 26th from 12-2 PM. According to the organizers you may choose to protest on the actual property or protest from your vehicles, just like last week’s protest. Polis needs to hear the roar of Coloradans who have had enough of his tyranny.
Next protest, have a petition -NO CONFIDENCE in POLIS!! DEMAND HIS RESIGNATION!!! NO where in the united states Constitution does it state our rights are negated if a building blows up or if someone gets sick! Our rights include, but are NOT limited to:
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Stay-at-home orders ARE a lock-down/house arrest, whether you realize it or not. Such orders violate our unalienable rights. We have the UNCONDITIONAL right to think as we wish, to say what we think, to publish what we say, to associate with whomever wishes to be with us no matter their number, to worship or not, to defend ourselves, to own and use property as we see fit, to travel where we wish, to purchase from a willing seller, to be left alone. All without anyone’s ‘permission.