Denver, CO – Thousands attended a peaceful protest against Governor Jared Polis’ executive orders at Bandimere Speedway on September 1, 2020.
The Stop the COVID Chaos protest was hosted by the Bandimere family and Representative Patrick Neville. Both parties filed lawsuits against Polis for violating the Colorado Constitution with his executive orders.
Activist Michelle Malkin is also on the lawsuit with Neville. Watch the live video from Malkin showing thousands of people attending the rally.
Unsurprisingly, mainstream media sources framing violent riots as “mostly peaceful” chose to frame the 100 percent peaceful protest in a negative light.
But does that really matter?
Protesters cheered and waved American and Trump 2020 flags in a show of solidarity against Polis’ oppressive rule.
Jefferson County sent a warning letter to Bandimere Speedway that any event over 175 people needed approval from the county health department. The Attendees numbered approximately 5,500, according to organizers. We expect Jefferson County, Polis, or both will do something to retaliate in an effort to maintain control of the people.
Malkin had a little fun later on Twitter, quoting Neville, who said the number of attendees was “mostly 174.”
Did you attend the Stop the COVID Chaos rally? If you did, feel free to share your experience of this peaceful protest in the comments and on social media!
Please share!
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I don’t know what good that will do, but they have my support 1000%. Sorry I couldn’t make it.
The BEST thing we can ALL do is vote Polis out!! That would be the best thing YOU can do too!! Vote Red stop the insanity!
we are getting to the point of enough is enough with the so called biological warfare virus from a chineese military lab, that mysteriously burned down and all of the people who worked there disappeared. Now it is game on with nero,ak apolis, jeffco health clowns, who have never followed any of the recommendations as outlined by the Surgeon General of The United States 16-17 weeks ago. This was just a political move to tank the economy, blame it on Trump which they are doing now. They did not care that their Kabuki theater put people, and businesses out of work, those businesses will not be returning, thus any one working there is unemployed. The liberal/socialist do not care, for them it is all about control, more control, and destroying the economy in the process. Think about this when election ballots are dropped, if the person has a D after their name they support this, even so called Repubs, will and have sided with the liberal/socialist. Remember this when House, Senate Districts are up for a vote, then any county commissioner open seat, those with a D are your enemy, especially an enemy of the Republic, choose wisely or continue to do the polis, just my opinion
Love that the sane and normal citizens of Colorado are fighting back and fighting for freedom from king Polis’ tyranny. Made my heart smile to watch the video showing all those refusing to wear a face diaper. This past weekend we learn the CDC quietly “adjusted” China Virus deaths (from the disease itself) down to less than 10,000 (out of a reported +170,000 alleged Covid 19 deaths). Then today we learn 90% of the positive tests were in people who were not contagious enough to actually pass the disease on to anyone (see Liz Wheeler’s OANN Tipping Point video on YouTube for this story).
next event….everyone should attend! the bigger the numbers we have the harder it gets for King Polis to attack any of us. I know you think you are only one or two people ….but it all adds up. And you can bring friends and neighbors! We have to stand up to this tyranny !!!
This was a great peaceful event and very fun and patriotic!