In the last week, we’ve seen some successes in Colorado in challenging the fruits of the too-far-left 2019 legislative session. First, we saw the challenge to the National Popular Vote law that did away with the Electoral College in Colorado make the 2020 ballot. Now, a school district is challenging the crazy Sex-ed Bill that Jared Polis signed at the end of May.
Citizens are making their voices heard all across Colorado, and we love it!
For a history of the Sex-ed Bill that passed last legislative session, you can click (HERE) and (HERE). In a nutshell, the bill (HB19-1032) requires school districts that teach sex education in their schools to include in the lessons information about homosexuality and abortion; while not allowing abstinence to be taught as an option.
Now there are a couple of issues here. First, if you’re okay with your local public school teaching your kids about sex – do you want them to have all the information, or just what the left wants them to know? If our kids aren’t given all the information based on some political lens, most of us would call this indoctrination.
The second big issue is, why would you want your kids to be taught sexual education in public schools? As parents, isn’t this our responsibility? Have we gone so far as to abdicate our responsibility as parents to the government? This is obviously a problem, and we believe most of our readers see sexual education for their kids as their responsibility. If you fall into the former category, we wanted to give you a few things to consider.
Now that we’ve had that little discussion let’s get to the meat of the article. The School Board in School District D-38 voted to start the proceedings for a constitutional challenge to the Sex-ed Bill (HB 19-1032).
On what grounds you may ask? Well, Colorado has this little provision in our State Constitution about “local control” for schools. This provision means the local school board should dictate the policies and curricula for their local school district.
This concept is sound because there is not a one-size-fits-all formula for all school districts. For example, liberal Boulder Colorado may want something totally different than Hinsdale County (bonus points if you know where Hinsdale County is – a beautiful area).
So you might be thinking that this lawsuit is a good step forward and something will happen. Well, not-so-fast! The D-38 School Board formally asked the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB – referred to as CAZ-BEE) to look into the constitutionality of HB19-1032, and then file suit.
Well, as you can guess, CASB, which represents all of Colorado’s 178 school districts, may lean a little to the left. In fact, we really don’t remember them opposing HB19-1032 during the last session.
If you’ve ever been down to a hearing for the State House or Senate Education Committees – you would probably think that CASB will not challenge the law. You’re probably right, but let’s pray they do something!
The Colorado Citizen Press we will be monitoring this situation and updating our readers when we get more information.
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School boards are owned by the union. Never vote for a union-endorsed candidate. CASB won’t do anything positive.
Colorado Republicans are lying and trying to claim teaching Sex Ed is promoting transgender thoughts to change children. They are wrong.