We’ve reported on this a few times over the past few months, on how the anti-oil and gas bill SB 181, was going to have negative effects. We covered how Governor Polis lied about its impact, and how the enviros that run state government wanted to take away your car (HERE), (HERE), (HERE), and (HERE), and the general attitude of the green religion over everything else.
The new rule requires 2023 model electric vehicles to cover 5% of sales in Colorado. There is a major problem with this plan.
The Colorado Auto Dealers Association (CADA) also has pointed out that so far in 2019, 80% of vehicle sales were light trucks and SUVs, an area in which electric power technology has not yet been made available by most of the major manufacturers.
The new requirements do not fit the rural Colorado lifestyle.
The article says this was a better deal than we reported earlier for the auto manufacturers, but this is still a bad deal for Colorado Consumers. The extra cost of these more expensive vehicles will most likely be shared across all vehicles.
Everything will be more expensive.
To make matters worse, we know how the left works. They keep on chipping away, and we’re sure the percentage requirement of electric-only vehicles will increase.
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I will NOT comply
Ya how does one pull a trailer with an electric car? How abou all those who have to drive large vehicles carrying thousands of lbs of goods for their living? Contractors, landscapers,farmers cannot continue to work if they used electric cars.
How do these do on the dirt back roads of Colorado? Not everyone drives or lives near paved roads
Don’t let this happen, everyone needs to not only read but head. The Pacific Resherch Institute report by Winegarden. This EV man date is bad all the way around. Please read this report. It’s truth is undeniable.
How are we supposed to haul hay or pull our
gooseneck stock trailer with an electric car. Not happening and the technology to do it isn’t even being discussed as far as I can tell. They want everyone to drive these little matchbox cars so what happens when the cost of food is beyond everyone except the very, very, very, very rich.
What about having a gas powered electric generator in electric cars to make them go further down the highway?? Make better batteries?? Make better electric motors?? Make electric motors more efficient like the technology poor Joe Newman was trying to make for everyone???