2018 was a historic year for Democrats and Republicans alike. Dems won big, and the extreme wing of their party took control (well they’re all extremists, but they have gone extra wacky lately). Republicans licking their wounds are looking to bring us back to some sense of sanity.
Well, unfortunately, sanity takes money. It doesn’t matter what you think of money in politics, to win it does take money. Republicans have been able to compete with about half the money put in by the Democrats, even though we hear Dems cry foul and accuse the right of using “Dark Money.”
Well if you’ve read The Blueprint, you are aware that the left has been pouring tons of money into Colorado since 1996. They’ve built the infrastructure and donor base that is used for fundraising. Republicans are trying to play catch-up, but can they?
The problem is Democrats are quick to vilify Republican donors and attack their businesses. This mafia-like intimidation has proven effective and has driven right-leaning donors underground.
So now in the name of “transparency” (who doesn’t like transparency?!), the Dems are trying to expose more donors. Dem donors really don’t seem to care much, because the GOP is ineffective (or morally doesn’t feel comfortable) in vilifying them. So there is nothing lost here for the left.
However, the legislation passed here in Colorado will have an additional chilling effect on Republican/conservative donors who don’t want their good name slandered in the Dem effort to achieve total control. This is a simple equation; less money equals more losses for the GOP.
Dems have taken over Colorado and with these new laws are now closing the door behind them. If you’re reading this from a Red State and think you don’t have to worry about this – YOU ARE WRONG! The title of the book was “The Blueprint.” Yep, it’s probably started in your state. Will Texas be blue in the next 10 years? Scary, but it’s possible.
The irony is right here for everyone to see. We wrote about this when Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold got caught red-handed being a puppet for one of her major funders, Planned Parenthood.
We also wrote about how this would happen after the Colorado legislature adjourned this year. We also wrote about how these elections bills could lead to Colorado becoming the next Venezuela.
We’re not in the business of saying “we told you so!”…But…We told you so!
We end most articles with “elections matter.” Well, maybe they don’t matter in Colorado anymore. After this legislation package passed, Colorado may be a permanent blue state.
Know we’re not giving up here at CCP, we love a good fight, and we hope you will join us. We on the right are underdogs. Never fear, Underdog is here!
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