Denver, CO – The 2020 Colorado legislative session begins tomorrow, January 8, 2020.
In the last session, Democrats overspent, passed industry crushing regulations on oil and gas, meddled in the free market, passed Red Flag gun confiscation, and all but demanded more money from taxpayers.
With full control of the legislature, Democrats are once again ready to pass more sweeping changes.
Some priorities on the Democrat agenda include unaffordable paid family leave, extensive gun control, and a repeal of the death penalty. We also expect Democrats to roll out legislation for heroin injection centers, forced vaccinations, and schemes to increase taxes without voter approval.
Paid family leave, though it sounds nice, is detrimental to businesses. It is also a tax increase in the guise of a fee, and last year’s bill was ripe for abuse.
Potential gun control legislation includes forcing gun owners to lock up firearms when they are not in use and raising the age to purchase rifles to 21. Anti-gun Representative Tom Sullivan (D-Arapahoe) will lead the charge after sponsoring the Red Flag gun confiscation law that became active January 1, 2020.
Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Jefferson) will undoubtedly seek to enable addicts to inject deadly chemicals into their bodies. On top of that, parents will have to fight even harder this year to maintain their rights. The forced vaccination bill will be back, and many Democrats are determined to pass it.
Under Democrats, the nanny state never rests. Stay tuned for daily updates on the 2020 legislative session!
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