Louisville, CO – Taxpayers are paying the over $152,000 salary plus benefits for the Jefferson County Public Health Executive Director, who lives in Boulder County.
According to the position description for the Executive Director, the salary range is $152,250 to $253,750.
We recently discovered that Dr. Mark B. Johnson does not even live in the county where he administers the public health department.
June 2019 salary records show the top Jefferson County Public Health administrator making $19,519.69 for the month. If that salary is consistent, taxpayers are paying Johnson $234,236.28 per year.
So, Jefferson County taxpayers are paying hundreds of thousands to someone that does not even reside in Jefferson County. Instead, he is a registered Democrat residing in Boulder County.
On top of his six-figure salary, Johnson’s position offers the use of a county car, a flex spending account, and numerous health and other benefits.
Even more egregious, Johnson is the person signing the cease and desist orders to shut down Jefferson County businesses he considers to be violating public health orders. He is an unelected bureaucrat that is appointed by an unelected board of bureaucrats.
Does this sound like government corruption to anyone else?
Basically, Johnson is living a cushy life with a massive salary and not even paying property taxes in the county that pays him.
Oh yeah, and he is the person responsible for extending the Jefferson County “Stay at Home” order until May 8, 2020.
You can thank him for further destroying jobs and the economy in Jefferson County.
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he has been embedded in jeffco for some time, there were times when his management has been questioned, by some including employees, but he is still there sucking up tax dollars, acting like a know it all from bouldiera. If people think he needs to be replaced, then elect Republicans, who will go through all of the dept. budgets and hopefully cut out the pork, if a liberal gets elected expect more they will as before add to embedded orcs, sucking up more tax money, We will see if people really care how their tax dollars are spent, come Nov.