Boulder, CO – Tax revenue is down, and as a result, the city of Boulder, Colorado will furlough 727 employees beginning on April 20, 2020.
That is six days before Colorado’s (Governor Jared Polis’) “Stay at Home” order ends.
Boulder’s furloughs will last through June 28, 2020. Any decision to extend or shorten furloughs will be made by June 1, 2020.
The city is expecting $28 million in lost revenue. That is almost 10% of the annual budget.
Now, this should come as no surprise. Polis’ “Stay at Home” order decimated Colorado’s economy. The severe drop in tax revenue from closed, “non-essential” businesses will certainly result in a lack of funds for governments at every level.
This is FAR from the worst result of Polis’ draconian mandates.
Hopefully, it will force the government at every level to reconsider costly boondoggle programs that do little to benefit taxpayers.
In the meantime, it is time to open the economy and send Coloradans back to work. Citizens are suffering at the hand of Polis and overreaching governments across the state.
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This is the ideal time to clean house and remove all the superfluous busy bees that suck the $$$ of any budget. Pet projects, useless programs or redundancy are the bane of most liberal governments. Don’t bring them back. Boulder needs more baristas or pizza delivery workers.