Not News: Oil and Gas Drilling Permits Down This Year

In an Op-ed by the business leader group for the Oil and Gas Industry (yeah liberals,…

Gov. Polis and the Colorado Legislature Lied About Local Control

The burning topic of oil and gas highlighted in the recall attempt (and resignation) of a…

Oh, NOW Polis is worried about the economy

Governor Jared Polis attempted to preemptively shift blame for the economic destruction of Colorado onto, you…

1 week left: Democrats scrambling to complete agenda

The legislative session ends on May 3rd, and Democrats are scrambling to complete their radical agenda.…

Galindo blames “market forces” for loss of energy jobs

Currently on the floor is a nanny state bill that will put coal workers into a…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to infringe…

Galindo and Becker pretend to care for the people they hurt

Democrats launched their attack on the Colorado energy industry earlier this session by enacting increased regulation…

Democrats to expand ID services for illegal immigrants

SB19-139 Colorado Democrats plan to expand identification document services for illegal immigrants living in Colorado. As…

Democrats again sound the alarm on greenhouse gas

Democrats are pushing the oil and gas industry out of Colorado, pushing for a new gas…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…

House Democrats vote to kill oil and gas

Killing a responsible industry This morning, House Democrats voted 36-28 to kill the oil and gas…