So, the snowflakery is still strong amongst some. In Tempe, AZ apparently a Starbucks customer felt unsafe by having law enforcement enjoy coffee in the same space (you can put your comments about how good or bad Starbucks coffee is below). In fact, he tasked a barista at Starbucks to ask the law enforcement officers to leave – they complied.
It seems that coffee shops have become the safe spaces of the left, and Starbucks (even though the CEO issued an apology) with their already liberal bent has been leading the charge. You may have noticed how Starbucks has been everything anti-conservative from Anti-Trump to Anti-2nd Amendment. Generally, they’ve supported socialist policies while they are at the pinnacle of capitalism and benefit directly from it.
If you’re drinking your Starbucks skinny latte while reading this article, we are asking you: “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!”
We do agree businesses should be able to deny service to anyone, but the issue here is how wimpy some people have become in our proud country, that they feel threatened by people charged with serving and protecting the public.
Obviously, the narrative in the mainstream media has been anti-law enforcement. We do acknowledge and remind readers that we still think Constitutional Rights trump government overreach – but the press seems to run an all-out assault on law enforcement.
Some people may remember this incident in Starbucks, where some non-paying customers were arrested for refusing to leave a Starbucks. Of course, this was made into a race thing.
Then of course there is the Oakland, CA coffee shop that has banned law enforcement.
The message here is to choose your coffee shop wisely if you’re a conservative. Or do the conservative thing, make your own coffee – you can make better coffee, and save a lot of money!
Enjoy your cup of Joe, keep reading our articles, and please share!
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I have never been a fan of SB but had I been there I would have gladly invited the officers to sit and visit with me while they enjoy a cup of Joe. I would have requested the barista give the snowflake a seat by the door, or outside, at home, in her personal “safe space”. If a snowflake is robbing a SB store surely they won’t call the police and take away the robbers “safe place” will they?
Isn’t that the same thing they accuse Chick-fil A of doing? Save your pockets and stomach and make your own coffee!
Isn’t that the same thing they accuse Chick-fil A of doing? Save your pockets and stomach and make your own coffee! This from the tolerant left!😂😂