Denver, CO – Socialist news blog Colorado Pols is allowing grotesque death threats aimed at elected officials in the comments on their website.
The pinkos at Colorado Pols (Alan Franklin, Jason Salzman, etc…) [Citizen Press emphasis] might want to monitor their audience a little closer. One commenter suggested an elected official stick his AR-15 where the sun don’t shine and “pull the trigger as fast as possible.”

This article is simultaneously on their front page while they praise Governor Jared Polis for signing the death penalty repeal.
Now, we understand it is hard to monitor all the comments, especially on social media, where we get more than 100 on a single post. However, considering this is right on their website, you’d think they could delete one out of 14 comments.
The hypocrisy of socialist elites who run Colorado Pols astounds us.
One day, they are crying for justice, peace, and love for all. The next, they are allowing their commenters to discuss the death of elected officials.
Inciting violence and calling for the death of elected officials are all in a day’s work for Pols and their “community.”
Perhaps they should practice the peace and inclusiveness they preach.
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