Denver, CO – Socialist bureaucrats rule Colorado under total Democrat control that includes the Governor, the State House, and the State Senate.
The Colorado government has grown a lot under Boulder Governor Jared Polis. With the help of his cronies in the legislature, he is about to take a big step towards socialized control over insurers and pharmacies.
HB20-1078, Pharmacy Benefit Management Firm Claims Payments, is a socialist’s dream legislation. If you are a conservative or a free market advocate, it is a nightmare.
The bill is sponsored by Senator Faith Winter (D-Adams) and Representatives Sonya Jaquez Lewis (D-Boulder) and Kyle Mullica (D-Adams).
This bill is one more step toward the total government control socialists like Polis want to force on citizens and private companies. The bill requires fixed pricing for services and creates another government bureaucracy to enforce new rules. It also interferes with contracts. We won’t get into the weeds here, so just know this is an awful bill.
Polis is making big steps towards the single-payer, government-run healthcare system he wants to impose on Coloradans – Polis-care. Polis and his Democrat cronies believe they know better than everyone else, and they refuse to listen or even compromise with their opposition.
Make no mistake, this bill will pass, and it will be as bad as it sounds.
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