Denver, CO — Men have an unfair advantage when it comes to sports. We at the Colorado Citizen’s Press admittedly are guilty of telling our daughters that they can do and achieve anything they set their hearts on. However, there are unrealistic expectations in some areas.
For example, men are biologically different than women. Even though the left tries to gender-bend this issue, it is a fact. Because of men’s physiology, an equally trained male in a sport will have built-in physical advantages that just can’t be overcome by women. This is why in scholastic sports, there have been boy’s or men’s sports, and post-Title IX, girl’s and women’s sports.
However, the leftward trend with a focus on inclusiveness has led us to biological males competing in girls and women’s sports. You can guess the outcomes we are seeing. This has created unfair competition and violates the basic idea of the term “sport.”
Representative Shane Sandridge (R-Colorado Springs) tried to rectify this unfair competition with a common-sense bill. House Bill HB20-1273 “Concerning Participation in School Sports Programs for Female Student-Athletes” on February 3, 2020. It was immediately assigned to the State Veterans and Military Affairs Committee (“State Affairs” AKA the “Kill” Committee”). Not the education committee, where this bill rightfully should have been heard. If you read our news website, you know that State Affairs is the “kill committee” where the Democrats send all good common-sense legislation to die in a heavily partisan stacked committee. If you want to read more about the “Kill Committee,” click here.
On February 13, 2020, Sandridge’s common-sense school sports bill was killed on a party-line vote. That is ten calendar days after it was introduced or eight business days. Did this common-sense bill get a fair hearing? Of course, not. This is another example of how out-of-touch the Democrats in Colorado are.
However, we should look at the bill itself. The legislative summary of the bill states:
The bill prohibits male students from participating on any athletic team for students in sixth through twelfth grade that participates in an athletic activity sponsored by a school and is designated for “females”, “women”, or “girls.” If the participating student’s sex is disputed, the student may prove that she is of the female sex by presenting a signed physician’s statement indicating the student’s sex based on the student’s reproductive anatomy, levels of naturally occurring testosterone, and analysis of the student’s chromosomes.
Colorado Legislative Staff, Text of HB20-1273
This is pretty self-explanatory. It includes a scientific standard for judging a person’s biological sex vs. what they “identify” as. It includes due-process if the sex of the athlete is in dispute.
This is all to maintain the integrity of competition. The irony here is there was zero integrity in the process of this bill getting a fair hearing.
So is life down at the Colorado legislature. We have to give kudos to Sandridge for running this bill. We also encourage you to let all your friends and neighbors know about what happened here.
Do you think boys should compete in girl’s sports here in Colorado? What do you think of Sandridge’s legislation, and how not a single Democrat supported it? Please post your comments below and on social media!
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Requesting Christian school vouchers so we can get our kids out of public schools. We’re lucky enough to be in a public school elementary where they say the pledge, and are not trying to indoctrinate the kids with liberal ideology. We would rather send them to a Christian school of our choosing. AFA. American Family Association. Subscribe to that magazine, they are constantly fighting against the lgbtq farce.
I identify as a glass of orange juice. Idiots of the world, unite under a rainbow colored flag! Bake the cake, or else! We’re looking at Wyoming to escape this liberal madness which has crept into Colorado.
if it is a contact sport it could be considered sexual assault, it is worth a try
I the spirit of good competition and sport, there should be no blending of male/female competitors. This is so basic. The legislation proposed is reasonable and necessary for girls and young women to compete fairly.