Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be hearing SB19-182, a repeal of Colorado’s death penalty.
Advocates arguing to abolish the death penalty offer reasons ranging from civil liberty to saving costs for life in prison verse the appeals process for the death penalty.
Do you think Republicans should join with Democrats to abolish the death penalty? Or do you believe we should maintain it as an option, even if only for rare occasions? Take our poll.
With our local goverment in power Colorado looks mor like Calfornia every day just majes me sick. But thats what all the trandplants seen to want. They messed it up where they dis live move here messit up here and move on.
Sadly true!
What evidence can you show that they move on ?
Commiefornians be damed.
With them and illeagle aliens Co. Is becoming a toilet.
Looking at a possible move to Oklahoma
I can’t believe you Dems want to abolish the death penalty. Are you people crazy. That Dunlap guy should have died a long time ago, instead he takes up space while taxpayers have to feed him. How about the killing of Marshall- Fields and his fiance and that mother who lost her son. How about the guy who killed his wife and 2 little girls and dumped their bodies in an oil tanker. Should we take care of him for the next 50 yrs. If I was that grandmother he would not have gone to jail, because I would have killed him. Don’t give me this garbage that if someone kills it isn’t our right to kill them, but it was okay if they killed. e need to get rid of these evil people. Our laws are terrible and need to be changed. If you want to keep these evil people alive you better start building more jails. People need to take matters into their own hands and get rid of these crazy people before they kill you or a loved one.I have been in Colorado for 43 yrs and I can’t believe the young liberals the state attracts. You can blame the people running the state.