Denver, CO – Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in school board elections on property taxes or mill levy increases in Colorado?
Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Adams) and Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez (D-Denver) both think they should.
HB20-1149, 16-year-olds Voting In School District Elections is even more egregious than it sounds.
From the bill summary:
The bill allows a person who is preregistered to vote in school district elections beginning at 16 years of age. A school district election is defined as an election to recall a school district officer or an election called under title 22, Colorado Revised Statutes, including elections for:
- The state board of education;
- School district officers;
- Referred measures to impose or increase mill levies or to raise and expend property taxes;
- Referred measures relating to the organization of or plan of representation for school districts; and
- Referred measures related to the financial obligations and indebtedness of school districts.
Clearly, this is an attempt by Democrats to make passing mill levy and property tax increases under Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights easier.
Why do Democrats want to make this easier? Coloradans soundly rejected the tax increase placed on the 2019 Colorado Ballot by the Democrats controlling Colorado’s government. That is despite a paid program to lie to voters to encourage them to vote for the Proposition CC tax increase.
If 18-year-olds (adults) are supposedly not responsible enough to purchase tobacco or nicotine products anymore, how are 16-year-olds supposed to vote on their parent’s property taxes responsibly? The last time we checked, we do not know any 16-year-olds who own property.
Obviously, Democrats are willing to go to any lengths to take more money out of your pocket. Apparently, that includes influencing impressionable minds so they can fund their expensive agendas.
The bill passed the House State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee on March 3, 2020, and is headed to appropriations next.
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This state is going to the dogs.
Instead of letting these skulls full of mush, that they put there vote,
They should put it up to 21.