Traditionally the Electoral College works as our Founding Founders intended. The popular vote in Colorado (not nationally) determines the vote of our members of the Electoral College. For example, Clinton won Colorado in 2016, and Colorado’s Electoral College votes went to her. We didn’t like the results, but that’s how it works.
During the process in 2016, one member of Electoral College tried to revolt and vote for John Kasich. Then-Secretary of State Wayne Williams enforced the law, and all of the Electors were required to vote for Clinton. Two other electors cast their vote for Clinton when the vote for Kasich was thrown out.
The Electors sued, saying it violated their constitutional rights, and the 10th Circuit Court agreed in a 2-1 panel decision. This is just crazy and sets a bad precedent.
You’re probably familiar with the other issue with the Electoral College here in Colorado. Liberal Dems passed an unconstitutional law for our Electoral College votes to go to the winner of the NATIONAL popular vote. This is an attempt to make sure California and New York (two very Blue heavily populated states) choose our President. Not only do Dems see this as ensuring they own the White House for eternity, but they want to undermine all red-leaning smaller states.
Our Founding Fathers created the Electoral College to ensure that ALL States in our Republic get a say in who is President. We emphasize the term “Republic” because that’s what we are. The citizens hold power through a representative body, as per Article IV of the U.S. Constitution. The Electoral College a perfect example of something a Republic should have.
Democrats want to take away this concept of a Republic through new laws like National Popular Vote. Without a Republican form of government, we end up with a centralized form of government, and that allows for more control. Control is what the Democrats want.
Now you may remember, citizens in Colorado collected enough signatures to allow a vote of the people to overturn the National Popular Vote law passed by the Democrat legislature and signed by Governor Jared Polis.
This rarely ever happens. Coloradans want their voices to be heard and know Colorado really won’t matter in future Presidential Races if the law stands.
That’s why the 10th Circuit’s decision concerning members of Colorado’s electoral college is just plain scary. It doesn’t matter who wins Colorado; whoever controls the selection of the members of the Electoral College holds all the power. In Colorado, that’s the political parties. Electoral College Electors are elected at the State Party Conventions every four years.
Now, none of that matters with the 10th Circuit’s decision, and it really doesn’t matter who wins Colorado. It matters who the 9 Electoral College members are and they can choose anyone they want, circumventing the will of the voters.
We’re sure this case will end up in the Supreme Court before the 2020 election, so stay tuned.
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