Just a day removed from the STEM School Shooting, students from the school sought to remember and mourn their fellow students. This is an important part of the grieving process. However, the Shameless Anti-gun Zealots couldn’t let this tragedy go to waste without immediately trying to promote their agenda.
We could opine that the students were lured to the event under false pretenses, as Team Enough and Moms Demand Action organized it. organized by Team Enough and Moms Demand Action. The promise was that these students would be able to mourn and honor their injured and fallen classmates. Instead, the students were overrun by political agendas run amok.
Among the anti-gun zealots were newly minted Congressman Jason Crow (D-CO6) and US Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado), who also is running for President. They couldn’t let this tragedy go to waste; they couldn’t put the students who needed to grieve and mourn first.
So, the brave students of the STEM school made a statement and stormed out in protest of “the adults,” turning this tragedy into a political event. We commend them for doing that and say shame on you to Team Enough and Moms Demand Action (both groups are fixtures down at the State Capitol pushing their agenda). This is a time for grieving and a time for mourning, let’s put the students first.
We’re pretty sure these groups and politicians were looking for their next naïve young shill (Think David Hogg) to tug on heartstrings and push their agenda. What they got were a bunch of brave students that said enough is enough (Watch this 9 News Clip at 1:40), making this a PR nightmare for those trying to use innocent children to push their agenda.
Did Crow, Bennet, and these anti-gun groups learn their lesson? Probably not, but God bless those students – they are in our hearts and in our prayers.
Kids showing who the REAL adults are. Good for them!!
For you agenda driven political sychophants, … Polis, Spurlock, Bennett and Crow and all of your minions. Our kids have real hearts and real minds. They can tell the difference between authentic grief and your gun grabbing agenda. You have shown yourselves to be users and we will relieve ourselves of your services because now our kids know too
If the Government tells you, you don’t need a gun, get two.
If High School kids can see through the BS being spread by these agenda driven fools why can’t adults? Maybe because they, HS kids, don’t give two (fill in the blank) about what party they affiliate with and wanted to truly mourn the lose and severe injuries of their friends and classmates.
Jason Crowe a framer Ranger now want to disarm American citizens As a Marine he’s is now a Traitor to me.
This fake “Interfaith Memorial Vigil” (which is how it was deceptively billed) was one of the most despicable things I have ever seen. These kids, one day after the shooting, still traumatized and grieving, thought they were attending a real memorial vigil and instead got slammed in the face with corrupt adults who tried to use them for their anti-Second Amendment agenda.
The event was organized by ambulance chasers Brady United, which always holds “vigils” after these types of shootings. People need to boycott Brady United’s fake vigils and put on their own events.
Why don’t some people let people defend themselves?