On the floor of the Senate last week, gun grabbing Senator Kerry Donovan decided to completely misrepresent Chaffee County Sheriff John
Three times on the floor, Donovan repeated that Spezze along with all the commissioners, “do not oppose the bill.”
Donovan went on to add that they are, “not interested in pursuing sanctuary status.”
Fast forward to the weekend at a meet and greet, Donovan asked if there were any elected officials that wanted to clarify their position.
Sheriff Spezze’s hand shot up before she could finish her question, and confronted her by telling her, “I don’t support the bill and you and me never had a conversation.”
When the crowd erupted in applause, Donovan slapped back and yelled at her constituents to quiet down.
She wanted to make sure that she was the boss and that everyone would comply

This outburst was reminiscent of 2013 when then Sen. Jenny Nicholson at a town hall meeting ordered her constituents to sit down and be quiet after the whole room stood up to urge her to vote down any gun control bill.
Donovan said she is not afraid to correct the record. But the question is, why did she feel the need to spread an incorrect record
Sheriff Spezze further said that he will be asking his county to pass a gun rights sanctuary status.
With this irresponsible representation of not only constituents but elected law enforcement officials during a legislative battle with severe consequences, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the good people of Chaffee County launch a recall effort of their own against the gun grabbing liar, Kerry Donovan.
House Republican leaders Patrick Neville and Lori Saine pledged support for recall efforts in the House. What about Senate leadership?
Should Kerry Donovan be the next contestant to play the recall game?

Do liberals lie?
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was getting us to believe he doesn’t exist.
He is not only in the fine print but the legislature too.
Agreed! Recall!!
Bullying her own constituents, a new low for Colo Dems! Recall!
We are not in support of the bill being presented SB-181 should be voted NO on we are your constituents and you are our voice to vote NO are we will be in favor of a recall
I am for a total recall of all Democrats in office in Colorado. Then, after dumping every registration in the entire State, and redistricting along grids, corner to corner, having every citizen go in person with a valid photo id and thumb print to get a new registration card with photo and thumb print, then allowing everyone to go to the polls, present their voter id and get a ballot which will have every bit of the recent legislation passed for citizens to vote on and every office revoted on. The count to be witnessed by at least 2 members of each party to verify no cheating. Thats what I think should happen all over the country.
I like how she fizzled out with frustration at the end of her temper tantrum and spun out disoriented from being caught red handed. She should be ashamed of herself. The thing about radicals is ultimately they never make sense to intelligent people but the fancy hand work gesturing is supposed to mesmerize you into submission. Hick really goes over the top with it.
You know how to tell when these people are lying right? If their lips are moving they’re lying.
Hey there twinky. We are not bullied.
She causes the disturbance, then blames those who object.
What a typical hypocrite!! I will only follow what a sheriff says, every one else can back off.
God bless those who object to this brazen crap.
Yeah like how they use false flags to promote gun grabbing and the taking of rights.
If only they protected the border with the same draconian measures employed at the airport.
They never let a manufactured crisis go to waste.
Listen to how she screams out over the crowd flagrantly slapping her hands at them. Her lies and deceptive maneuvers are unacceptable.
This is the best you got up there? I feel sorry for you all. Doomed is what the order of the day is. She is a Petulant child with authority.