Denver, CO – 2019 was a horrible year in Colorado. Far-left Boulder Democrats had their way with the agenda in the state legislature. If you were the oil and gas industry, a gun owner, a business owner, a parent, or anyone who likes freedom, the Democrats came after you.
One of the few “wins” for common-sense and parents came with the defeat of the “make it difficult on parents to opt-out of mandatory vaccinations” AKA HB19-1312 late in the 2019 Colorado Legislative Session. In a nutshell, this bill required parents to make an in-person request to the government, to opt-out of mandatory vaccinations. Also, all of these parents and children would be put into a database and tracked.
Here is some of our coverage on the topic:
- Vaccine bill is not about health – it’s about control
- Colorado Peak Politics should apologize for shameful comments about moms
- Governor Jared Polis Issues More Executive Orders
- Education Media Tries to Make Case for Forced Vaccinations
Forced vaccinations and government tracking, let alone any government list, seems very Orwellian to us. The real effect here was to force vaccinations. Raising the bar for busy parents, coupled with the “shame” of being on a list, will force many parents out of opting-out.
The Democrats are coming back with another vaccination bill this year, and they brought a Republican along for the ride. Senator Kevin Priola is the Republican co-sponsor of this new vaccination bill. Republicans should be protecting parent’s rights and be advocating for smaller government. Apparently, Priola didn’t get the memo.
Some Republicans are fighting back this year. Instead of just trying to kill bad legislation, they are proposing good legislation of their own.
State Representative Dave Williams (R-Colorado Springs) introduced HB20-1239, titled “Consumer Protections Concerning Vaccinations.” This bill is interesting in its scope. The law educates on the effects of vaccinations while making vaccinations an “opt-in” for parents and their children.
HB20-1239 appears to be a very common-sense bill. However, when the Democrats control the legislature, common-sense measures that don’t fit their extreme far-left agenda are usually sent to the “Kill Committee.” A “Kill Committee,” usually State, Veterans, and Military Affairs, is composed of a super-majority of partisan Democrats with the role of killing good common-sense legislation.
Representative Williams appears to have pulled a coup of sorts. Fearing his bill would be sent to the “Kill Committee,” he decided to make a stink to the press. Clearly, a bill dealing with vaccinations should go to a “Health” committee and not to a kill committee to get a “fair” hearing. At least, this is what Williams argued.
Well, he got his wish. The bill wasn’t sent to the Kill Committee. The bill will get a “fair” hearing in the House Health & Insurance committee. We use the quotation marks around “fair” to highlight that this bill still won’t get a fair hearing. If you look at the Democrats on the committee, they are some of the most liberal in the legislature. Plus, the partisan make-up of the committee is 7 to 3 in favor of the Democrats.
We give Williams kudos for calling attention to his issue, and this minor win, but the bill is still doomed. However, it will put vulnerable State Representative Bianna Titone on the hot-seat. Will she vote with parents or with the government?
Stay tuned!
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Are we able to show up in force on certain day(s) in the chamber to face them. There must be something, along with prayer to defeat them on all of these RIGHT-STRIPPING bills!