Denver, CO – Protests and riots in Denver cost the city $4 million in repairs and labor, according to FOX31 Problem Solvers. This does not include the past weekend.
Problem Solvers asked the City of Denver for overall costs of protest and riot damage. City officials report $1.37 million dollars spent on repairs, not including this weekend. With overtime costs, the amount is over $4 million.
From FOX31
On the bright side, the people making repairs have jobs.
Senseless violence and destruction are normal right now in Denver.
On Saturday, 13 people were arrested at a not-so-peaceful protest. There were two charges for Dangerous and Deadly Weapons. Timothy Wempen, 22, was arrested and charged with a Second Degree Assault Class Four Felony.
One officer reportedly received third-degree burns from a firework thrown by protesters.
A Denver resident had this to say:
“People come with shields, battle axes, knives and a backpack,” another longtime resident in the area said, adding, “That’s no peaceful demonstration, that’s ‘I’m coming to tear up your city,’ this is nowhere you want to live.”
From FOX31
Many Democrats in Denver are still silent on the senseless violence committed by protesters and rioters.
Communist City Councilwoman, Candi CdeBaca, encouraged unruly protesters to sue police in the city after a brawl broke out at their “peaceful” protest.
CdeBaca later falsely accused police of pulling a gun on her and her fellow protesters. As it turns out, the gun was a BB/replica from a suspect at the protest. It was never pointed at protesters by police.
CdeBaca recently ran a bill to eliminate the Denver Police Department and replace it with a so-called “Peace Force.” Her fellow council members voted against her 11-1.
This is the state of Denver right now, and Democrat leadership is doing nothing to stop it.
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not until denver declares the mobs as terrorist, which they will not do, confronts them, arrest more with real charges, real bail amounts will still stop. Why have not the citizens of denver been up in arms about all of the destruction, do they not know the city will have to raise taxes to pay for the damage? The city could have fined the terrorist the costs each time destruction was done, sorros and his or disciples of satan might even had paid the bill. If there is no accountability, consequences there is no deterrent to stop. Did the police unmask, id, finger print, maybe even dna any of the terrorist, probably not, the city just did the polis. The people out side denver should be boycotting denver, stop spending money in denver as well as it flag pole conclaves, i/e around SW plaza. When the revenue is cut off , tax money is cut off, economics 101, but people will continue to do the polis. Citizen voices need to raise up demand action, no more Mayor hand…. action, encourage business to move out of denver, also stop the head tax, people get charged for working in denver, employees are assessed a tax for working there, wtf. Unless the people,citizens raise up their voices nothing will change , just more of doing the polis.
There is a 16 minute video on YouTube “Denver officials give update on Saturday night protests”. The city officials at the press conference are announcing they have had it with the anarchy in Denver. Now whether they mean what they say is another matter. But the video is excellent. I did not post the link since I am not sure if Colorado Citizen’s Press permits those in the comments. You can find it online easily.