Denver, CO – Riots are not peaceful protests, plain and simple.
Denver was rocked by protesters rioting over the death of George Floyd last night, and protests are scheduled to continue today.
Let’s get right to the point.
Everyone is outraged at the death of George Floyd. Fired Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, is already facing murder and manslaughter charges. Chauvin deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for his alleged crimes.
Those who chose to vandalize the Colorado State Capitol, private property, or commit any other crimes while protesting yesterday also deserve to be charged and prosecuted.
Protesters spray-painted a communist hammer and sickle symbol on the State Capitol along with “BLM” (Black Lives Matter). They vandalized parked vehicles and blocked traffic on I-25. Police were eventually forced to use tear gas to disperse the rioting crowds.
Violence begets violence.
If protestors want to end the police brutality allegedly used against George Floyd, violent protests and criminal activity is not the solution.
More protests are planned for today. Hopefully, they remain peaceful.
You can view some of the photos and videos shared on Twitter below. View more photos from CBS4.
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These parasites are not just protesters, They’re domestic terrorists and should be treated accordingly and not pampered…
there is a major difference between riots and a protest, riots are fueled by those who use a protest to destroy property, set fires, loot, and in some cases there are those who will take the cover of a riot to do bodily harm, even murder. When a protest escalates to a riot the police need to respond quickly, not set back, not stand down. The law abiding, tax paying public need to be protected, from harm as well as their property. The response from the police need to be swift, with a show of force to stop any escalations, show of force to meet what is happening. Do the cities, counties, towns, states have plans to stop riots, different plans for every level of escalation? Will there be any arrests, prosecutions, jail time or just a slap on the wrist? I for one have noted that law abiding citizens protest, no destruction, no mess to be cleaned up, how ever those fueled and funded by nefarious groups do the worst, did any of the liberals condemn these rioters, address those rioting groups to do not harm, just crickets
President Trump is exactly right when he called the “protesters” thugs. Turns out Obama used the same word to describe the riots in Baltimore. This is what happens when you have a once proud red state taken over by liberals.
Failing to fathom their own quite obvious self-contradictions is a chronic feature of symptomatic mass cognitive dissociation from normal recognition of diametrically opposed meritless virtue-signalling to blatantly callous behavior of democrats yielding primal cruelty feral predators demonstrate.
Viral TDS rots from the inside out, in both individual actions and such collectively deliquescing the democrat body politic it kills.
Congratulations, snowflakes.
Good riddance.
*We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause* – Israel Cohen,Zionist 1912
Coon hunting is open year round correct?
Well, they tried taking a knee, and ya’ll said that was unacceptable. Also, human life is more valuable than property.
This shows how much these losers know about the, “Hammer and Sickle”. The symbol of the former Soviet Union where even peaceful protest was prohibited. These Anarchists would have been executed in the USSR if they were lucky.