Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis recently said that Colorado is going to become a “mask-wearing culture,” and many local governments are ordering citizens to wear masks.
Yesterday, we asked our readers if they opposed the government requiring citizens to wear a non-medical mask in public.
We anticipated a more even split in the poll, so these results were surprising!
Question 1: Do you oppose the government requiring citizens to wear a non-medical mask in public?
Results: YES (264) – NO (9)
Previous Results: Do Not Tread on Coloradans’ First Amendment Rights
Obviously, Coloradans are done being ordered around by elitist government officials who think they know what is best.
These mandatory mask orders, for the most part, are only going to be followed by people who already plan to wear masks in public.
Polis’ claim that Colorado is going to become a “mask-wearing culture” is absurd.
The government cannot force a cultural change on people, especially if they are as strongly opposed to the cultural change as this poll shows.
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It’s about power, not health. Masks restrict the flow of air, reducing oxygen in your bloodstream – no wonder I’m claustrophobic! Something that’s less than 1/25,000 of an inch isn’t going to be slowed down, let alone stopped by a mask, especially a fabric one made at home.
I will NOT wear one!
You are spot on Kayley. And to add to it, Dennis Prager’s latest Fireside Chat on YouTube, ‘Until It’s Safe Means Never” mentioned masks as being dehumanizing. Prager then compared it to the veil, which I believe was in reference to Islam.
Agree. The restriction of O2 while wearing a mask will weaken your immune system.
Next thing he will be will be handing us a bar of soap and telling us to “go through that door to the showers”.
Done with this power grab of our civil rights by the governments
Polis isn’t a governor. He’s a bully.
The homemade masks have been shown to have a 3% effectiveness.
Fauci has already suggested the US citizens may be required to be immunized and card carrying to prove it. lll
So it begins. Kaiser Permanente just told me I will not be able to see the specialty doctor, pick back up physical therapy, unless I submit to their authority by wearing a mask, having my temperature taken, and be asked a series of questions every time I come in.
I spoke to several people there and the rhetoric and slogans are disturbing and upsetting. I guess I will adapt to my new life of being permanently disabled instead of having a surgery and physical therapy with Kaiser Permanente and getting better.
We would like to join some sort of lawsuit against Colorado and the hospital for effectively discriminating against us and/or denying us care because we choose to make private medical decisions and not wear face masks and have our temperature taken when we are otherwise healthy people. We don’t know where to go.
These are impossible choices under impossible terms.
Thank you.
There are numerous studies that show that masks are ineffective and useless. Here’s one from the CDC https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article .
I thought democrats “followed the science”? Looks more like they “behave tyrannically” https://fee.org/articles/stop-forcing-people-to-wear-masks-over-covid-19-fears/ !