Results: Do you believe Polis’ socialist mandate is unconstitutional?

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Denver, CO – Yesterday, we asked our readers if they thought Jared Polis’ socialist mandate to close private businesses in Colorado for 30 days was unconstitutional.

Question 1: Do you believe Polis’ socialist mandate is unconstitutional?

Results: YES (172) – NO (15)

Clearly, our readers are not on board with Governor Jared Polis assuming the role of Dictator of Colorado.

Don’t get us wrong. The COVID-19 outbreak is something everyone should take seriously. If you are able, you should practice social distancing when you can.

However, that does not mean the Governor is right in exercising dictatorial control over private business.

The ramifications for Colorado’s economy could be devastating. Just as importantly, many business owners are now at major risk of losing their livelihoods.

Are you a small business owner who is being harmed by Polis’ socialist mandates? Let us know in the comments and on social media!

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4 thoughts on “Results: Do you believe Polis’ socialist mandate is unconstitutional?

  1. That’s what the liberals want. Then they’ll turn ,what they did, around and blame President Trump for their stupidity.

  2. Yes it is a complete breakdown of the position our commerce in merica! It is a first step in becoming a dictator. I am in the service industry and all,of my business is based on numbers of people who attend. My next 60 days have been cancelled. All, i trust he has called my mortgage, electric,gas, water and insurance and is paying all of them!

  3. This is a TEMPORARY measure in a time of national crisis. As a country we have taken drastic measures many times in the past. The attack on Pearl Harbor, 9-11, past epidemics are some that come to mind. Thankfully, with modern medical information, we now know how to stop the spread of this virus in its tracks to allow time for our great American biomedical companies to develop cures and vaccines. The alternative is to have a repeat of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Do we want that?

  4. Everything polis does is against Colorado and Colorado residents. So over reach on power is the icing on the cake for him. Destroying personal freedom to live and to make a living and anything that destoys.

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