Denver, CO – Last week, we asked our readers if they supported Coloradans’ First Amendment Right to assemble and rally to reopen the economy.
The results are even more lopsided than our last poll asking readers, “Should Colorado end Governor Jared Polis’ “Stay at Home” order so Coloradans can go back to work?”
Question 1: Do you support Coloradans’ First Amendment right to assemble and call on Governor Polis to reopen the economy?
Results: YES (205) – NO (3)
So, 98.5% of our readers support the rallies that took place on Sunday to reopen Colorado’s economy.
Governor Jared Polis wants to rule over people who are fed up with their subjugation.
Yet, much of what you saw in the MSM was critical of these protesters. There is a deep divide between the people and the MSM/government team on this issue.
It was a peaceful rally and everyone that showed up to protest made the decision to attend. The message: do not tread on Coloradans’ rights.
People are on their last dollar, and they are going into major debt.
It’s time to reopen the economy before people face financial ruin.
Please share!
Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@USACitizenPress)!
so there are liberal trolls who read Colorado Citizens Press. and report back to the under world, about what some of us are thinking, we just need a few thousand more, tell your friends, send them the link to Colorado Citizen Press, stand up and make our voices heard
Why are the People waiting for permission?
We have unalienable rights, given to us by the Creator & they cannot be taken away- EVER
We also have rights bestowed upon us by our very humanity
And we have Constitutional Rights- that our government has a DUTY to PROTECT those Rights.- Among these Unalienable rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Your rights include, but are NOT limited to, the unconditional right to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to associate with whomever wishes to be with you no matter their number, to worship or not, to defend yourself, to own and use property as you see fit, to travel where you wish, to purchase from a willing seller, to be left alone.
You can do all this without a government permission slip, or their blessing.
And what is the nature of government? It is the negation of freedom. The opposite of freedom.
So here we have a situation of a ‘virus’ whose very existence has yet to be proven, tests that are unable to determine how much of said virus is present(and you need millions & millions of said virus, self-replicating AND causing damage), masks that are totally ineffective, death counts being padded, equipment that is not actually being sent to very many places, ventilators that cause fatal results in 95-98% of patients, medicine that is toxic and life-threatening if there are any circulatory issues…and you have most people dying that were elderly and had pre-existing severe health issues. Hmmm
And yet People are blindly allowing ‘authorities’ to put them under house arrest, endangering their ability to support themselves and their families. Many businesses will not be able to recover.
The Gov’t borrows $6.2Trillion, which we have to re-pay along with the other astronomically absurd debt we are already saddled with- then they want to LOAN us money to help our businesses while doling out $1200 + $500 for a child, which somehow is supposed to support us through all this calamity… If it wasn’t so pathetic, it would be laughable.
#1) We don’t need a Nanny. #2) We are smart enough to figure out we’ve been had #3) We realize depending on gov’t is a bad choice #4) We’re clever enough to figure out how to get by on our own
“To secure these Rights, Governments are institutes among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed…” In other words, the government has NO power other than what YOU CONSENT to give them.
Maybe it’s time to stop the gravy train…if they do not have your tax dollars, they have no income. Do you think there is enough ‘power’ and facilities to hold ALL the People? WE are the majority, and WE hold the key.
Rest assured people would figure out where and how to purchase what they need without government or Big Business involvement. And just maybe while you all ALLOWED them to trample on you, you might have figured out that maybe you want to do such-and-such rather than return to your ‘job’ for a paycheck that is not guaranteed…Maybe you have figured out you only have yourself to rely upon. Maybe you have figured out who you can network with to secure the things you want and need. If you haven’t, then perhaps you’ll want to spend a bit of time figuring that out.
John D. Rockefeller said “I don’t want a nation of THINKERS! I want a nation of WORKERS!!” Does that not tell you how Big Business views YOU?? Remember that next time you ask why they aren’t teaching grammar, cursive, history, penmanship,logic, math without a calculator, etc.,etc. in schools YOU pay for. They are dumbing the kids down for a purpose.Don’t think- WORK. Meanwhile, they live high on the hog at your expense. Something wrong with that picture.
You do NOT need their permission to go make a living. Just do it. And do what you like as opposed to what you think you have to. Yes, you may have to think about it, and figure out how to do it, but in the end, it will be you doing what you enjoy AND providing a living.
You need to remember – WE don’t need them. THEY NEED US.
Read your Declaration of Independence “That Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends (of protecting your rights), it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….”
Aren’t you tired of being taken advantage of? Aren’t you tired of your tax dollars paying off TRILLIONS of dollars of interest (it never does pay off ANY of the principle)to a FOREIGN owned ‘Federal Reserve’-a Central Bank owned by the Rothschilds[this family owns 165 NATIONS Central Banking firms- out of 195 Nations]? Aren’t you tired of government borrowing ridiculous amounts of money and then wasting it? If we ran our budgets like they do, we’d be in jail for fraud.
It is time for People to pick up the reigns and re-align our situation- clean the slate/refuse to be encumbered by these ‘leaders’ who are clearly just leading us to slaughter. It is time to STOP WAITING for ‘permission’ .
Do you tell your boss what to do? No- because he/she is in charge of your paycheck. Newsflash. WE are in charge of our government officials paycheck. WE are THEIR BOSS. It is time We stopped acting like a slave, and realized who is ACTUALLY in Charge. It is You and I. WE are in charge.
Think about how great our nation will be once WE cut innovation loose. Think about how many brilliant ideas are out there waiting to manifest. It cannot do so while being trampled to death. A light cannot shine that is under a box. Remove the box, relight the candle, and let us go forward with some safeguards in place so that we are no longer subject to the abuses we have endured. Now think about what we need to do to make sure this nonsense never happens again. The answers are in our Declaration and our Constitution. Any who are NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing- what they took an Oath to do- need to be removed, and proper people put in their place. We must also make sure our top leaders are NOT compromished, under threats of death, etc. by the Big business, Big Pharma, Big shots who THINK they know what is best for all of us.
There is NO food shortage. LESS than 1% of the FARMLAND IN THE U.S. can feed the ENTIRE WORLD.It takes 300 sq meters to feed one person for a year; that’s 358.8 sq. yards. There are 1484 sq. yds in 1 acre. The US farmland = 922,000,000 acres. It is a distribution issue. There is NO ‘over-population’ problem- If you put every person on earth, shoulder-to-shoulder, it would fill an area the size of L.A.; if you gave each of them .10 of an acre[enough for a home and some land], they would take up an area the size of Texas, Calif. & N.M., with room to spare.
Why trust those that have repeatedly lied? Clearly, we need to look after ourselves, and decide what is best for our future- because with these leeches running our lives it has clearly not worked out to be advantageous for us…has it? Poison in our food,air,water,medicine,products- cheap crap that falls apart (then you get accused of being a ‘constant consumer’),schools not teaching squat,jobs not paying enough to allow hardly anyone to save anything,out=dated infrastructure that’s falling apart- the list goes on and on.
Pretty sure We can come up with a better scenario that successfully addresses our wants and needs…And, for sure, we do NOT need anyone’s permission to do so.
Or you can wait to see if they ever do anything FOR you, rather than TO you….(no thanks,; time to take our ball and go play a different game- one where WE are doing our job of looking after our own best interests. Eternal Vigilance does not mean ‘unless someone is offended’). People DIED for you- they DIED standing up for OUR LIBERTY. Was that done in vain? Or are you getting up right now and DOING something to make this better for all? GET UP! DO IT! Instead of acting in anger about how we’ve been duped, act in innovation, doing something to make sure it doesn’t happen again;doing something that secures our safety and happiness- Protect our liberty, and do what we must to to secure what we want and need, so we can turn our attention then to inventing new and innovative tings to take us where we want to go in life. NOW is Good! Get ON with it!
Sorry about the spelling/grammatical errors …published before proof-reading. OOPS.
compromised has no ‘h’;NATIONS missing apostrophe (should be NATIONS’), and there was a ‘h’ missing in a word… well, I’m sure I’m not the only one to have ever made a mistake…:)