Denver, CO – Yesterday, we asked our readers if they thought Colorado should end Governor Jared Polis’ “Stay at Home” order so people can go back to work.
The results were incredibly lopsided and are still coming in as we publish the current numbers.
Question 1: Should Colorado end Governor Jared Polis’ “Stay at Home” order so Coloradans can go back to work?
Results: YES (172) – NO (4)
Folks, that’s 97.7% of our readers who want to end the “Stay at Home” order in Colorado.
The comments we received on social media were similarly lopsided.
Coloradans are concerned about losing their freedoms and destroying the economy. They are willing to practice social distancing but believe it needs to be a measured approach with an open economy.
Polis heavy-handed approach to COVID-19 is ruining Colorado’s economy, and he admits to it.
It is time to return to individual responsibility, not government tyranny disguised as compassion.
Please share!
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the guy is a joke from day 1 he has ruined this state
ONLY At Risk and Elderly should isolate. This draconian overstep is wrong.
Colorado is NOT his kingdom. What a jerk.
Yes!!! Let’s get back to “normal.” We can protect those at most risk while allowing the rest of us to FINALLY get back to our lives.
The Federalist has a great article “The Coronavirus Is Exposing Little Tyrants All Over The Country”.
Count king Polis in that group. Found out today you cannot email him from the governor website. I had to go through the Lt. Governor’s contact page to send him a message. Have no idea if his office got it or not. Told him tens of thousands of Colorado business owners will be done for if they cannot reopen now. And since when does government pick and choose which businesses can or cannot operate? Ended with “the voters will remember that YOU are the one who destroyed this state’s economy and their lives.”
It is cause Jared the fairy tail puppet Polis, governor will always when it comes down to it back the mega corporations, like Amazon, GE, Google, Johnson &Johnson, Walmart etc., never small businesses that are the cornerstone of free market and trade!
Open the state!
Tyrant Polis must be sued in federal court for his violations of the Constitutionally-protected liberties of all Coloradoans. He must be removed from office, rendered destitute, and imprisoned for the rest of his life. He is the most despicable criminal in all the annals of Colorado’s history.
Enough is enough! Time to reclaim our freeom, virus be damned. “Give me liberty or give me death.” — Patrick Henry #krissy4gov