Denver, CO – According to yesterday’s poll, 97 percent of respondents will not comply with a statewide mask mandate.
That is bad news for Governor Jared Polis. Yesterday, he imposed his will on Coloradans by signing an executive order mandating masks to be worn by anyone over the age of 10.
House Minority Leader, Representative Patrick Neville (R-Douglas) is fighting back against the mandate. He announced he plans to sue Polis over the order, claiming it violates civil liberties.
Continue reading for poll results >>
Poll (Q1): Will you comply with a statewide order requiring you to wear a mask?
Results: YES (7) – NO (220)
Responses are still coming in, so feel free to take our poll and voice your opinion on Polis’ statewide mask mandate!
Previous Results: 93 Percent of Readers Oppose Taxpayers Funding Loans for Planned Parenthood
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Polis is a Communist TYRANT, a BULLY, and a PETULANT CHILD.
Is there a way to contact Rep Neville?
Kayley…Here’s a link to ALL the state reps… https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators
I was told that I couldn’t buy my groceries at King Soopers without the mask over my face.
I’m allergic to cotton, which is a health reason, and I told them so.
They refused me service, after about 3/4 of the checkoutso I left the groceries and cart in the line, saying I’d be right back while I get a mask
Maybe a few more of these civil disobedience examples everywhere will change the minds of the sheeple…
That’s in direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. They need to know that and that they’ll wind up in court (even if you don’t do it someone will) sued.
They denied you service and that is a violation of Colorado civil laws regarding discrimination based on your medical condition, AND the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You can sue the crap out of them.
You don’t have to tell them your medical condition. If they ask, they are violating HIPPA.
CCP 7172020
A legal challenge, to nero, aka polis, who does not care, a person who is drunk with a power grab for control, much like a anaconda as it tighten their coils , crushing us, aka “We the people, crushing the life out of until there is no more resistance, then devours us, graphic but that is the intent of nero. A court challenge cost mega $$$$ in donations from “We the people, and polis will defend his position with our tax money, the money we are forced to pay to the government to be miss managed, then use to defend a person who is hell bent on controlling the public. Nero knows not much will be done, thus his/its theme song, “you can’t touch this”. If the challenge is filed in state court it will be dead before the second paragraph is read, could this be filed in fed court, as a violation of our Constitutional rights? Will we have to protest in the streets, and face a backlash from the media, would polis, and denver send the storm trooper to control us, which they did not due when the destructive protesters destroyed property, vandalized, were un confronted in their destruction of private and public property. We will never get to confront polis/nero directly, he will all ways run and hide, protected by armed guards, covertly moved so no one knows where he is. So what do we do to fix, our state, restore our rights, stop the oppression?
There has to be someway to stop him. We can’t keep going on like this. He said when he came into office that he would Bring Colorado to its knees and this Virus has played right into his hands. He has to be stopped. There must be a Federal Judge who he can’t shove against and who will make sure that he gets Polis under Control There has to be some way of stopping him. Why can’t he be charged with taking Funds from an Account in the State that he should never have had in there in the first Place. Hickepooper and Polis Should be made to put that money back into the State Coffers ! Then Polis should be i jail as well as HIckepooper to explain to a Judge why there was money in there to begin with and why One was giving out funds to the other one. There should be some way to put an end to Polis
But Comrades! We have to prepare the sheep for the Bill Gates NWO vaccine that’s will sterilize and render Autistic white children ! ( for the greater good of course!)
All these people saying they won’t wear a mask and yet I’m the only one in the store not wearing one.