Denver, CO — A bar in Denver was issued an incorrect citation for allowing customers to drink their alcoholic beverages after 10:00 P.M.
Reiver’s Bar and Grill was not given a citation for that, but in an email, the DDPHE said “the investigator should not have given Reiver’s an order for serving after 10 p.m.,” and “that was a mistake.”
From 9NEWS
The citation was issued by the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment.
Governor Jared Polis’ overreaching order ending alcohol sales after 10:00 P.M. does not state that patrons cannot finish the drinks they purchased before the last call.
The manager and employees reportedly attempted to explain that the register and POS (Point of Sale operating system) were closed at 10:00 P.M. However, that did not stop the overzealous inspector from issuing them a citation.
It sounds like this restaurant was doing it’s best to comply with the arbitrary and changing orders from Polis. However, the health inspector was reportedly unwilling to look at the POS for proof, believing everyone had to be out of the restaurant by 10:00 P.M.
The citation was also issued for an employee not wearing a mask. The general manager claims that employee was eating.
Health Departments are Unable to Fairly Enforce Orders
“It’s hard to educate our staff on something that changes from moment to moment and is interpreted differently by each member of the health department,” said Lemonidis.
General Manager Steve Lemonidis
If members of the health department are actually picking and choosing how to enforce these already unlawful orders, we have a major problem. Even the people who support these authoritarian abuses of power should see the issue.
Uneven and inaccurate enforcement of this public health order proves that Polis’ executive orders are doing harm.
It is the legislature’s duty to create laws, not the governor. Polis’ executive orders are not laws or statutes passed by lawmakers, yet, they are being enforced as such.
While this error was corrected, who is to say that future errors will be fixed? How can we be sure public health orders are not weaponized to target certain businesses?
We cannot, and that is wrong.
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Thank you for pointing out that these “mandates” are NOT laws. I keep trying to correct people, but I guess civics is dead and gone.
Happy the article did this too. Business owners are being forced to do the policing for King Polis’ edicts that are not laws. Out of control power hungry health departments are not telling business owners these are not laws either as they hassle, harass, and fine them for alleged infringements. I wish more businesses would put up signs saying “The governor has ordered everyone to wear face masks. If you do not have one we will assume you have a health condition where you cannot tolerate one.” And for the busybody Karen snitches this one: “The governor has exempted people with medical conditions from wearing a mask. We operate by Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, so do not report us for failure to comply.”
Most of us were born after WWII, so, we have only history to tell us what it was like in Nazi Germany. Well, now living under the dictatorship of Herr Polis, we have a pretty good idea.
Heil Polis!
As a sixth generation Coloradoan and an avid fan of our states history, I can say with some certainty that Polis will go down as the worst governor in the ststes history. Surpassing both Adams and Peabody who wouldn’t hesitte to have the National Guard go after strikers with force. Polis has shown he is incapable of making decisions that protect not only the State Capitol, but the economic welfare of the workers in Colorado. His vascilating back and forth on how to handle the virus panic proves that it’s time for him to go. Hopefully he would have the courage to resign, otherwise it is time to recll him.
It is hard for some people to catch up with the reality that certain specific lawless lawmakers have become hostile to their own constituents and to the state constitution to which they swore to protect.
These arbitrary and capricious orders are designed to create chaos and confusion so that people will try their best to comply out of fear, rather than out of decency or duty. Sadly, that’s just what these lawless lawmakers want. We can no longer pretend otherwise.
Those who are not in denial about this must take others by the hand and lead them out of this fictional abyss.