Denver, CO – Democrats have designated another dirty term. The term “Illegal Alien” will be eradicated in government contracts and services.
HB20-1294, Replace Illegal Alien with Undocumented Immigrant, is a bill that was introduced on Wednesday. Two Denver democrats are carrying the bill. Denver Democrats must be jealous of all the attention Boulder Democrats like Governor Jared Polis, Speaker of the House K.C. Becker and Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg are getting by ruining our great state of Colorado.
The two Denver Democrats running the bill are Representative Susan Lontine and Senator Julie Gonzales. The bill will eradicate the term “Illegal Alien” from all government contracts and replace it with “Undocumented Immigrant.” Much like Democrats trying to rewrite history, as all good socialists do, this has a lot of problems.
First, “Illegal Alien” has legal force, and it is descriptive. If a person is in our country illegally, they are a criminal breaking the law. Hence the “Illegal” moniker. Alien is someone who is foreign to this country. Meaning they weren’t born here and haven’t earned the right to be here by going through legal means.
“Undocumented Immigrant” makes these criminals appear to be non-criminals. This term primarily protects illegal behavior, and hoodwinks people into thinking breaking the law is okay or more politically correct. Immigrant also has a legal meaning, as it connotates that someone is or has gone through a legal process. Illegals have not, and we shouldn’t hide that even in government contracts.
Of course, the lamestream media is covering this story. The New York Times article can be found HERE, and a non-paywall article HERE.
Changes in language can appear benign, but in fact, it’s part of a strategy to change policy. A vast majority of Americans, including Democrats, don’t support illegal immigration, and this is an issue that will drive voters one way or another. President Trump’s election in 2016 is an excellent example of this.
Democrats will never learn, but their strategy of trying to soften public perception for illegals, even through language nuances, may eventually work. Let’s hope it backfires!
What do you think about abolishing the term “Illegal Alien”? Please post your comments below and on social media.
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Will that make a murderer, a person who revokes the right of another person to live?
Or maybe a thief, a person who usurps the property of some else as their own?
I want to ask, can Democrats get any more stupid, but I already know the answer. There are no depths to the level of stupidity that a Democrat will attempt to achieve. Gail Prentice For US Senate
Orwell was a bit off on his date, 1994 is here NOW ! If this bill is passed into law anything ILLEGAL will then become LEGAL.
We cannot pick and choose which law this will apply to, it’s either all or none. Why stop at calling an illegal alien what he really is, ILLEGAL ?
Far to many of our elected officials in BOTH political parties were more than willing to sell their soul and their country for money, power and votes. We are seeing the results of their actions today especially on the illegal immigration issue.
The Barbarians are not only at the gate they are HERE and they are not leaving thanks to the people we elected to represent us.
Any nation stupid enough to import it’s own killers has a serious government problem. That problem is the voters.
100% Rocky…
Get the hook, pull them off… EXIT STAGE LEFT!
I’ve only been in Colorado for almost 4 years, as soon as my granddaughter graduates next year, I’m headed back to Alabama where they know how to hide their crazy.
The picture says it all.
The verbiage ‘undocumented immigrant’ gives the illegal aliens a sense of ‘justified rightness’ . But in fact they have broken our laws and cheated the system to get into our country illegally. They are criminals for breaking our laws and for ‘lying’ about their ‘seeking asylum’ status to get ‘free stuff’. They are leeches off our taxpayer $$ and need to all be deported. If they want to come and live in our country they need to wait in line, do the proper processing to come legally. That is only FAIR, as the left claim they are all about FAIRNESS, but are so hypocritical on this issues, as it is not fair to those who waited in line and did all the work to come here legally.
For the sake of political correctness, we will now substitute misleading language for precision in language. Ain’t this great?
Steve Dorman
A lie is a lie is a lie. Powdering over it won’t help, it is STILL a lie, and if this law is passed we “cannot unring the bell.” What do they not understand about the word: ILLEGAL? If you want to be a citizen, go through the process and do it the right way. We welcome people who apply for citizenship and go through the process the RIGHT WAY. Sneaking into our country is ILLEGAL. IF THEY SNEAK IN THEY HAVE ALREADY BROKEN THE LAW, and the law means nothing to them. They will continue to break the laws of our country. We should not be changing ILLEGAL ALIEN TO UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT on any legal documents. It is not truthful. We are giving these representatives a paycheck to make up stupid legislation! Let’s not give them a paycheck until they do their jobs right.
When do the deportations start? Colorado went to hell and we’re going to move elsewhere soon. We’ll be happy to return when the illegal aliens are deported and the government stops taxing everyone to death.