Denver, CO – Colorado Representative Patrick Neville (R-Douglas) is standing up for personal liberty – announces plans to sue Governor Jared Polis over mask mandate.
Following Polis’ announcement to infringe on Coloradan’s personal liberties, Neville tweeted:
The Governor is on a power trip and IMO his mask mandate is a clear violation of our civil liberties. I’ve retained counsel with the intent to sue. Stay tuned…#copolitics
Neville has long stood for personal liberties and freedoms, and we would consider him a champion on these issues.
While we have not released our latest poll results, it appears a strong majority of our readers oppose a statewide mask mandate. That being the case, Neville is once again stepping in to defend those who are being shouted down by Democrats and the liberal media.
There are valid points on both sides of the mask debate. It goes beyond whether or not masks protect people from COVID-19.
However, what is not debatable, is whether or not the government has the right to order you to wear a mask. They do not, and they cannot legally enforce this order.
As conservatives, we must stand for our personal freedoms.
Whether you agree we should wear masks, or believe they are useless, we can find common ground in opposing government mandates that infringe on our civil liberties.
If you have not yet, please take the poll to let us know where you stand!
Poll: Will you comply with a mandatory mask order?
Please share!
Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@USACitizenPress)!
I highly commend Rep Neville for suing Gov Polis for his totally unconstitutional mandate!
How do I help him? How do I contact his office?
I dint ware a mask it is stupid it does not help
Polis needs to be removed he is incompetent and has allowed 😤 BLM and Antifa which are both funded by Terrorist George Soros to destroy our statues and cities
Polis is incompetent to be Governor and he is a criminal and changed his name to run fir Governor
Gov. Polis is on a power trip, a tyrant on steroids. He needs to be sued. I hope Rep. Patrick Neville sues the pants off of this TYRANT..
Finally some Republican push back to the governor who thinks he is king. Thank you Rep. Neville for spearheading the effort. Just the other day the state GOP emailed a picture of the new office opening in Mesa County. In the picture was Senator Cory Gardner wearing his face diaper. Where are these elected legislators when it comes to an out of control power hungry dictator? In stark contrast to Gardner was Lauren Boebbert who just won the CD3 Republican primary over Scott Tipton. She and the others pictured were mask free (hooray for liberty!)
Yes, THANK YOU Rep Neville!!!
Does anyone have any information regarding when the recall will start against Polis?
I am so glad to see some push back! I will not be wearing a mask, I don’t care what our dictator of a governor say’s! Wearing a mask to keep out a virus is like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquito’s.
Thank you and would like to help, please send information on how to contact his office.
Thank you Lorie for the Ben Swann link. There would be a prodigious number of people acting against the mask farce, IF they only had this kind of non-biased, non-political info explained to them.
IMO, this “Scamdemic” will come to a grinding halt, IF they can pull off a win for Biden by demanding mail-in balloting. “It’s the only way to keep people safe” will be their rallying cry.
The entire recall Polis effort was a farce the first time out, (& I put way too many hours into it), as he had NO record when it began. Now, there doesn’t seem to be any organized, financially-able group out there that cares to take it on…. Sad.
Thank you, Mr. Neville! How bold & courageous of you to step up and sue the governor for this stupid mask mandate! No one is responsible for my health except me. It’s okay if others feel the need to wear one. No one should be forced to wear it. I have reactions to wearing one for a minute. So far, I cannot obtain medical, dental, or chiropractic services without a mask. What happened to CRS 24-34-601 Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation passed in 2019? Yesterday, I was told to leave Sprouts grocery store because “no mask, no service” even after showing her a print out of the law. Can I help you even if I’m not in your district?
Please do this Mr.Neville I am a racquetball sized brain tumor survivor and this is not an obvious condition like say an oxygen tank yet , ever since this mask wearing has happened I am having dizzy spells and it is obvious to me that I can not wear a mask and get enough oxygen to my brain . I even had to leave my job because of this health reason and this mandatory mask wearing. I can not shop in the food stores as needed it has to be a quick in and out shop or shop in many other stores due to this mask mandate without becoming faint and this is not fair to me or others whom have concealed medical conditions that are not obvious and people think because they don’t see any obvious medical that I and others like me or just being defiant yet , many are not and we too need a voice of reason. I am in and out of the store quite fast because I do not want to hit my head from fainting because I am sure I will most likely die as I have tumor left that could not be removed due to its tightness around the 7th 8th and 9th nerves in my head and have a titanium mesh holding my skull in place . Please help please. Ask Dr E Lee Nelson in Boulder about this he was my surgeon also a times call article was written in 2004 Nov/Dec in Longmont – this is serious for me no bs just straight up honesty here. I even told King Soopers I have trouble and they said you can not come in without a mask as other stores have also said. Thank you kindly for all your efforts concerning this mask mandate.
Who is it hurting to wear a mask is what I don’t understand, okay someone hurt your feelings for acting like he’s trying to save some lives due to what information Polis has received along with many in other States . So since everyone is suing Polis any person that gets sick should sue anyone that sues Polis for this absurd thought of Polis is mad for forcing people to wear a mask. What a waste of time this is and please don’t wear your mask since you all have the answers to this foolish pandemic. Is it so hard to think taking precaution is really what’s going on instead of some crazy evil ploy Polis is doing just to rip your freedom away ? Boohoo, someone hurt our feelings over a mask is old and sounds exactly what a child would do when a mother tells them they need to eat all their vegetables.