Castle Rock, CO – Representative Patrick Neville appears to be getting strong support for his lawsuit against Governor Jared Polis’ mask mandate.
In an email from Take Back Colorado, Rep. Neville (R-Douglas) says they are over halfway to funding their lawsuit against Polis’ mask mandate.
Neville detailed the vandalism and violence plaguing Denver in a plea for support to oppose Polis’ latest draconian order.
This is the sad state of affairs under Jared Polis’ watch. To make matters worse, while he is sitting back and watching our city burn, he has the audacity to mandate you wear a mask or face criminal charges.
Take Back Colorado email from Tuesday morning (July 21, 2020)
That is why I am suing Governor Polis to stop his radical statewide mask mandate.
The good news is we are over halfway to our goal to fund the lawsuit challenging Polis’ unlawful mask mandate.
But I need your help to keep this momentum and achieve our goal of reaching $20,000 to help us put up a successful court challenge.
Neville announced via Twitter on Friday that he retained counsel to sue Polis over his executive order mandating masks.
The email calls on supporters to help “STOP POLIS UNLAWFUL MASK MANDATE.”
If you believe Polis is overreaching and abusing his authority by ordering people to wear masks, you know where you can send that $5 you found in the wash.
Please share!
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Gave $5. Thank you.
Thank you, Rep Neville! A voice of sanity in all this crazy hysteria. I only wish I could afford to donate. I’m with you, though, 1000%!!
How do I donate to the fund?
This is the link on their Facebook page: https://www.stopthemaskmandate.com/
nero aka polis, does not care. The real fact is we can not let his, nero’s blood lust for control go un confronted, lest he would ramp up more suppressive rules, pass laws, with a total disregard for our Constitutional rights, common sense. Let alone any understanding of what we should be doing as outlined by the Surgeon General 15 weeks ago, in 4 interviews, a person with no political obligation, only a sense of what is right for the people. the S.G. only vested interest is that his wife in in chemo. I must warn people that one of the SG interview was edited by a media outlet and change the message to opposite of what was said, if I had not seen the original, I would have not known. So expect more miss information from the media. The disturbing fact is that nero will use our tax money to to defend his position, our tax money, thus giving us the middle finger once again. So if you can help fund the law suit against nero, aks polis please do, too bad we can not make the law suit personal and look to recover cost, sanction , censure, real justice
Let’s hope Neville takes it to FEDERAL Court, where he stands a better chance of getting a judge who upholds the Constitution! State Court is funded by the State, and we see who is ‘running’ the State!(running it into the ground!)
If EVERYONE just does not comply, he cannot put us all in jail and fines will not hold up in court anymore than his draconian ‘orders’. He forgets his place! “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed…” We have unalienable rights, among them are the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…the government has only been given the consent to PROTECT those rights
It is WAY past Time We took away our consent, and set things right!
I have my own issue’s with this mask mandate. Today is the 3rd time I have been refused entry to a business because I was not wearing a mask. The fact is, I am on supplemental oxygen 24/7 and do not wear a mask because I have a 4th stage pulmonary disease. A mask reduces what air I do take in AND I might add, as such (according to the mask mandate) I am exempt from wearing one!! The fact is people, I wouldn’t live 12 hours after exposure to this virus, so clearly I am not a threat to anyone!!!
Not only do business owners give one hoot about the exemption but even medical personal don’t honor it.