Rep. Neville outlined the dangerous agenda Democrats want to force down Colorado’s throat, and the consequences Democrats chose to be blind to.
Rep. Neville highlights conservative thinking towards smaller government and less regulation, but not from blind ideology, but actual observation through history.
Liberal Democrats refuse to see consequences to their actions and believe their moral intent is justification enough to force-feed more government to Coloradans.
Rep. Neville went on to highlight a number of issues that are guaranteed to come up during the session.
Dems will push an involuntary family leave program that will cost more than planned, be damaging to business, and will make Colorado less affordable.
He doubled down on their resistance towards further gun control.
“We are not willing to leave the innocent defenseless so that we might feel good about ourselves,” said Rep. Neville, which was followed by applause in the chamber.
Rep. Neville confronted the Democrats on important issues like the right to bear arms, and the right to life. Rather than looking for compromise, he hammered a line in concrete, showing he won’t back down.
Coloradans should be rejoicing that Patrick Neville is our leader through this difficult time of Democrat rule.