Denver, CO – Colorado State Representative, Patrick Neville (R-Douglas), called out Governor Jared Polis for his fearmongering, authoritarian agenda.
On Wednesday, Polis made an absurd comment regarding Neville’s lawsuit against Polis over his unconstitutional executive orders. Polis claimed Neville was “on the side of a deadly virus.”
Neville responded on Twitter and The Ross Kaminsky Show.
Kaminsky said he believed Polis’ comment was a cheap shot and gave Rep. Neville a chance to respond.
That’s actually one of the reasons why I’m filing this lawsuit. That shows you his mindset. That he should just be able to make any decision he wants to do, if he can do it in the name of this virus and completely do an end-run around our Constitution and our legislative process, and we have a good legislative process.
Rep. Patrick Neville (R-Douglas)
Neville went on to explain that the legislative process allows citizen input through committee hearings. In contrast, Polis’ executive orders are whatever Polis wants.
The citizens of Colorado cannot voice their opinion.
Neville also said Polis is painting a “doom and gloom picture” of the virus with statistics that have been “wildly inaccurate.”
There is no check on Polis’ power while he keeps Colorado in a state of disaster emergency due to COVID-19. That is why Neville is bringing the Colorado Supreme Court into the picture.
Polis shut lawmakers out of the legislative process with his executive orders. That is Polis’ fearmongering, authoritarian agenda.
Now, the only recourse is the judicial system. Thank goodness our Founding Fathers had the foresight to put a governing system in place to stop egotistical tyrants like Polis.
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Thank you Rep. Patrick Neville for announcing this Lawsuit against Governor Polis. This Governor is not what Colorado needs. The Taxpayers and the Citizens of Colorado need to have a say in what is going on at the State Level. Polis is nothing but a Socialist Democratic Governor that was put in Power by getting Votes that were either by Illegals, Dog, Cats and Dead People. He can argue that we the Taxpayers voted him in and that is a lie. We didn’t vote for a Socialist Governor. A typical Democrat who thinks that he, like Obama, can dictate anything he wants to and we should all follow. We need positive Proof that there is any Virus left in Colorado. This could go on and on for months with Polis at the helm. He thinks that we are not smart enough to figure this out. We are. You cannot keep telling us that we have to wear masks, when there is no reason for it. Polis needs to be taken to Court and he needs to be taken out of office because Polis and HIckelooper are the two most Corrupt People in Colorado. Polis can deny this, but he and Hickelooper are two of kind. HIckelooper was voted in so he said for the second term. Hickey has sucked off Funds that were not his to put in his Coffers. Polis is as guilty as HIckey. Thank you Patrick Neville for standing up for Colorado Citizens. Isn’t there any other Colorado Legislatures who are willing to step forth and have a back bone to run this Socialist out of Office. He didn’t win the vote — he bought the Vote. We are sick and tired of Socialist Democrats running this State into the Ground. There may have been some Virus to begin with, but I do believe that there can’t be any now and the only reason Polis is acting like this is because he wants Old Joe Biden to win. What a joke. Polis needs to be run out of Colorado and now. What can we do to help Patrick Neville with this Lawsuit? Its a cinch that we need a Supreme Court Ruling or something to oust this Fearmongering Authoritarian Agenda
Thank you for speaking what so many of us are thinking!
I totally agree with you everything that you have written. thank you for speaking the truth !!!!!!!!
nero, aka polis does not care he is over intoxicated with his own personal exhaust, for him it is about control, he has a blood lust to control, at this point like a rabid dog. When the zombies and orcs elected him many knew the problems we would have with him, base on his previous actions, but he was willing to spend what ever to take the office of gov. I think he spent $30 million, others spent mega bucks to ensure he would be king. Some where in his mind being king is the ultimate goal, Hope the law suit helps, and deflated nero, aka polis ego, but until then polis will still singing “you can’t touch this” re mchammer I wonder if he dances in front of the mirror with baggy pants, wow that image made me sick
I envision little Napoleon Bonaparte every time I look at this ugly POS!!!
Agreed! (With all previous posts.)
THANK YOU, Rep. Patrick Neville!
If only this case could get heard. They keep denying it. Polis keeps feeding Coloradans with FEAR over a “deadly virus”???? Is it NOT deadly. It’s a coronavirus, i.e., cold virus, i.e., a 5th strain of the 4 we already have and ALL viruses can be deadly. There is absolutely no reason for these mandates. Did South Dakota do it? No. Is everyone dead? NO. We the people have the right to choose our own health. If you are going to get on the side of health then ban smoking, driving, and drinking. Least of all, this mask crap has got to end. We are tired of fighting about it and we are not supporting businesses that require it. How many more businesses need to close and how bad does it need to get before Polis gets off his high horse and acts like a decent human?
Masks are detrimental to your health.