With the legislative session over, here is an important PSA to remind you of a dangerous indoctrination law sponsored by Freshman Rep. Lisa Cutter (D-Jefferson) and signed by Governor Jared Polis.
Cutter, one of the newest teachers union puppets enacting the child indoctrination agenda at the State Capitol, was recently praised by the CO House Democrats Twitter page for her efforts to brainwash our children.

Now, we’re not going to get into the nitty-gritty of Cutter’s indoctrination legislation right now. You can read more details from our previous coverage here. Instead, we simply want to reiterate that the ultimate goal of the left is to indoctrinate our children from a very young age.
Democrats like Cutter want our children to believe big government is the end-all solution. They want our children’s first thought about ANY problem to be, “how can the government fix this for me?”
What better way to achieve that goal than a government-appointed panel that decides what media sources our students should be consuming?
Cutter and her band of union cronies do not want our students to learn how to judge the credibility of a source for themselves; they want to TELL students which sources are credible. Next thing you know, we will have a government controlled database of ‘approved’ reading material for our students.
In fact, Cutter was kind enough to prove our point by posting this to Twitter herself.

You can bet Cutter would NEVER call a student group promoting natural gas as a safe and cost-effective energy source “brilliant.” She wants our students to think exactly the way she does.
Why does this politically charged elementary group exist in the first place? Some adult authority figure must have led these students to the proverbial water, but we digress.
The ultimate goal of this type of legislation is to turn our students into thoughtless zombies that repeat carefully chosen talking points from the left. No other suitable explanation exists.

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This is plain and simple garbage. As a retired teacher I will encourage every parent to home school or seek a private school. You want to see an enemy look to big government, Ms. Cutter you are a plague on children and society
This is plain and simple garbage. As a retired teacher I will encourage every parent to home school or seek a private school. You want to see an enemy look to big government, Ms. Cutter you are a plague on children and society
This is absolutely one of the most dangerous things that I have seen in my lifetime. For everything that I hold dear, if I had a small child attending public school I would be sitting my butt in every single classroom that my child was in to monitor what my child was being taught. I no longer trust what the government from Colorado thinks is appropriate but I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for me to have to pay for a private school either when I pay taxes for illegals to attend our public schools. Something HAS to be done and it HAS to be done now. #RecallAllColoradoDemocratsNOW
This is absolutely one of the most dangerous things that I have seen in my lifetime. For everything that I hold dear, if I had a small child attending public school I would be sitting my butt in every single classroom that my child was in to monitor what my child was being taught. I no longer trust what the government from Colorado thinks is appropriate but I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for me to have to pay for a private school either when I pay taxes for illegals to attend our public schools. Something HAS to be done and it HAS to be done now. #RecallAllColoradoDemocratsNOW
This isn’t a partisan issue. This is a First Amendment issue. This isn’t big government. This is corporate institutional media. The “committee’s” media “experts” come from broadcast and print (must be press association member). Colorado’s largest newspapers are owned by out of state hedge fund managers, corporate moguls, and family elites at 92% white, 79% male ownership. Teachers are required to have college degrees and certifications. Institutional media owners just need a family with a lot of money. Scratch the surface of this bill and you’ll find the newspaper lobby. And yes, some of us are on our way to the ACLU, Federal Court, and State court to stop this bill. It is Censorship by Proxy.